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#756585 added July 13, 2012 at 5:50am
Restrictions: None
Case Solved!
The illicit shadow surreptitiously crept like a cloud floating towards a beautiful, white picketed cottage on a quiet suburban night. The moon illuminated the house magically, over the quaint birdbath, radiating the street in a precious glow. The shadow sidestepped and jumped, avoiding the light like the plague, desperate to stay concealed. It ran from bush to bush, eagerly approaching the house, ducking behind the cute letterbox that proudly displayed a number nine, before hurdling over the fence stopping just before the door. On this quiet Wednesday night, the beautiful town of Richmond was disturbed by a loud scream that penetrated the silence and brought upon itself a question of obscurity.

"Sorry to interrupt this programming for an important announcement".
A reporter stood in front of a house, nervously holding a microphone. Behind her, police cars crammed the street,their sirens loudly exclaiming a crime had been committed.
"My name is Kayla and I am reporting in the town of Richmond. Richmond you say? The name may be unfamiliar to some, because this town usually stays out of the media, with no large crimes to date. Until today. The usually quiet town of Richmond is mourning the loss of a family who has been killed in their apparently safe home".
The reported paused dramatically and then smiled, before realizing now wasn't the time to smile. She changed her facial expression quickly. "We are waiting for more words from the police on more details of the situation".
A large man suddenly appeared from the now sealed off house, with a huge scowl on his face, sporting a police hat and a jacket that looked way to small for his oversized body. Kayla took a breath and then ran towards the marching policeman.
"Excuse me! SIR!" She bellowed, trying to gain his attention. "Any word on the -"
The policeman turned towards the running, exasperated reporter and rudely cut her off. "I don't have time for your useless questions!" He bellowed, stopping the reporter in her tracks.
"We have no leads, no evidence, no sign of a break in, and NO news story".
Kayla stopped abruptly, while the policeman ranted and showed his obvious distaste with the media. The tension between the two was highly strung, but to the relief of the already stressed reporter, a loud voice was heard, making the two turn.
"It was me! I did it! All my fault!"
A smallish man ran towards the house, waving his hands. His clothes were stained a bright red, and his eyes were black and puffy from obvious crying and distress. Two other police officers suddenly tackled the oncoming man, shouting the usual rights to remain silent. The large brutish man smirked at the shocked reporter.
"Case solved!" he roared, before lumbering towards his patrol car. Kayla stood stunned as they drove off, the case solved, no story and a thumping head to boot.

Kayla sat in her crammed office, staring at the small amount of tape that she had captured. Watching her apparently big break and redemption fall apart. She sighed as she placed her face into her hands, trying to stifle back the disappointment. Her door suddenly opened, forcing her to really choke back the tears.
"Kayla?" A voice said subtly from the door. "Just making sure you're ok?"
Kayla smiled half heartedly at the unsure man at the door. "I'm fine," she whispered, before clearing her throat.
"Ok," he said not believing her as he entered holding two cups of coffee. She graciously accepted the coffee and took a sip. "You know, I thought we were on to something," he said, taking a sip. Kayla forced a smile. "So did I," she replied, cupping the mug between her hands deep in thought. "Thanks for filming". she said, smiling. Jeremy returned the smile. "Sorry I couldn't be of much more help," he said. Kayla didn't answer. Jeremy stared at Kayla confused. "Kayla?" he asked. "Something's not right." she whispered
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