Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/757063-Chapter-2
Rated: 18+ · Book · Horror/Scary · #1881190
An evil twist to the usual things that go bump in the night.
#757063 added July 22, 2012 at 2:50pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 2
"I saw you this morning!"
Janet jumped.
She peered out into the sunlight that was blinding her through the window.
"What do you mean you saw me this morning?" She asked wanting to scream.
"I saw you looking at that guy like that. I told you, Janet, I told you you were to look
at no one but me!"
The voice sounded angry.
Janet tried to see through the mass of light but she couldn't.
She couldn't focus.
She wanted to rub her eyes but she couldn't lift her arms.
"What the hell happened to me?" She said spying the bandages on her arms.
"I saw it. You hurt yourself this morning with that sharp kitchen knife. You cut up your
arms and then killed your sheets dead. You were yelling and screaming so loud you woke up
every person on this ward, including me. They had to strap you down in your bed so you
wouldn't hurt yourself anymore. It was a stupid disgusting display of emotion. I told you.
You don't have any emotion anymore. You just do as I say!" The voice commanded.
"I don't have to do what you say! I don't have to do what anyone says anymore!"
Janet started to cry.
She began to try and pull herself out of the arm straps. They wouldn't budge.
She tried to lift up her legs but they felt as if they had bricks lying on top of her ankles.
"Oh, but, my dear sweet Janet, you do. Don't you remember the promises you made me when you were
lying there face first on the ground with that bullet wound in your shoulder....please let me
live! Please let me live! I'll do anything.....those were your last words, Janet. I'll do anything.
Then you wound up here."
"Where is here?" Janet cried.
There was no answer. There were never any answers. Just a million questions that poured out of
Janets mind.
How did she wind up here? How did she wind up like this? What happened to the Janet that everyone
loved just a few years ago?
Memories ran through her mind like a whirlwind. Dancing at her and teasing at what was once her
sanity. She saw her and Jake at the Christmas Ball. Dancing and twirling like the two ballerinas
in her pink jewelry box she had at home. Her feet never once hitting the floor. She remembered how graceful she was and how perfect
she felt wrapped in his arms. His strong shoulders and those beautiful blue eyes gazing into hers.
Tears flowed freely now out of Janet's eyes.
Her heart glowed with anger. It over flowed with disappointment. There was nothing left for Janet.
There was no white house with no picket fence. No children for her to love. No husband to come
home to her in the evenings. No family or animals to take care of. Her parents had given up on her
many months ago. There was no one left but Janet.
Janet sunk into the pillows behind her. The fight in her was no longer there and Janet gave in.
"Tell me what I have to do," Janet said to no one but the bright sunlight that peered into her
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