Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/766939-A-Sailor-from-ol-Tennessee
by Amay
Rated: ASR · Book · Personal · #1905497
This is my learning folder for my attempts to focus on a variety of poetry forms.
#766939 added November 27, 2012 at 11:01am
Restrictions: None
A Sailor from ol' Tennessee
A multiple versed limerick...

A Sailor from ol' Tennessee

A sailor from ol’ Tennessee
Dreamed of sailing the tranquil sea
With his eye glass he spied
“A mermaid!” he cried
“I swear it, I’ll guarantee”

The captain was not impressed
This report kept him from his quest
"This sailor is nuts
What’s more he’s a klutz!
Get him out of that green crow’s nest!"

So the mermaid came swimming by
Her sailor was gone, she did cry
The captain on deck
Yelled, “ Gee! What the heck?”
His orders he had to decry.

So the sailor from ol’ Tennessee
Yipped and hollered because he was free
He tripped off the deck
She was there in a sec
“I’m so glad you were there for me!”

King Neptune was watching his daughter
The sailor he thought he would slaughter
But she pitched a fit
As luck would have it
The sailor flew out of the water.

June 12, 2011
4 stars
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