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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1908951
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#769018 added December 21, 2012 at 5:57pm
Restrictions: None
Dec 19
Wow another long time of no posting. I have again been traveling for the last week and again I was in Orlando, FL  Not very good weather.  After arriving home Friday evening, we unloaded most of our suitcases. On the last day of the show Paul decided to go through the show and to every booth that had candy and just take 2 or 3 to see how many gave candy as a give away. I followed at a distance and saw these people offer him more, Pleas take more!  By the time we had hit every booth to make sure we contacted all those who me may have missed with either a business card or tag swipe for info to be sent it was time to see if my efforts to get the giveaway card stamped paid off. The prize was a 2012 Corvet.  No I did not win it or the title would be vastly different.
Paul lugged a huge bag of candy back to the hotel where we divided it between our two bags and carry on's.  Now I have candy for work...
I have lists to complete and get letters mailed this week as Fri is my last day for a month. I will have surgery on my foot 12/26th and be off work for about a month. Or at least not at the office. I plan to see about working from home.
In the midst of all the traveling we have finally got the house decorated for Christmas. there are garlands around the front door, up the stairs, around the dining room window the dinette window and over the wall unit in the family room. There are three trees up and decorated sporting snow drifts Paul loves to pile on the (fake) branches to make it look like it was outside. It is very pretty, but a mess!
I can't find the stockings but there are bears and moose and ceramic Santa's in place. The dog isn't sure what is going on as this is her second Christmas, the last one being only with us for 3 months and still getting used to us. 
I am having a party after our Christmas Concert 12/23 at 9-11 or what ever. I was hoping for a big order but that fell through, so I will be paying for this for a while. I had thought for sure we were going to get the order. I really was so sure!!! but it was not.  *Sad* But there will be other orders.
That is all I have time for now. Back to work.

Classics are not the epitome of good writing. They are books that transcended the era. They spoke to the reader about the Economics, social life or political issue. It was the story that grabbed the readers. Teachers (the literary rulers) who picked the books for kids to read they deemed to inspire thought, response and a love to read. Sometimes it worked sometimes not. I was a voracious reader in my teens. I was forced to read Hemingway when I wanted something easy like The Red Pony. My teacher said it was too easy. I read all Hemingway's books but remember nothing about them. Today I think the old classics should be kept on a shelf and left to the articulate reader. Although all children should read To kill a mockingbird, Uncle toms cabin and a varity of social books that deal with actions and reactions to social/economical times. A Christmas Carol is the perfect example. It dealt with class back in the Victorian Era. 


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