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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#771022 added January 9, 2013 at 12:44pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 25
Jennifer walked onto the porch as Jordan pulled up. She hadn't been expecting to see him tonight. She smoothed a hand over her hair, hoping it wasn't sticking out at odd angles. Chloe rushed out the door. She bumped against Jennifer as she hurried down the steps, a metal tin clutched to her chest. She held the tin out to Jordan, huffing for breath.

“Homemade cookies. Did them myself.”

Jordan smiled as he took the circle container and popped it open. His eyes widened as he pulled out a cookie and took a bite. Jennifer smiled as his eyes rolled back in his head. He
wolfed the rest of the cookie down before starting on another.

“These are great.”

Chloe grinned. “Thanks. Pa and Scott said to let you know you weren't allowed back on the ranch if you didn't share them.”

Jordan put the lid back on and pulled them close to his chest. He wrapped an arm around them, as if he was protecting a football. Jennifer half expected to hear him growl.

“Well I hope you and your ma are okay with a lot of trips into town to visit with me. Cause ain't nobody getting any of these.”

Jennifer moved to the steps. “Including me?”

He shook his head. “Nope. All mine. I don’t like to share.”

Jennifer sucked in a breath. She recalled the way his face had darkened when he'd realized those two men had been staring. His eyes had darkened to almost violet as he stalked across the road in a jealous rage. She was a bit relieved to know the men hadn't been around to deal with his anger.

“Well I'm going back up to the attic. There's a ton of stuff up there. It's awesome.”

Jennifer laughed as Chloe climbed the steps. “There's a book on my bed I got out for you. It belonged to your great-great-great grandpa. A journal of what he went through when he settled here.”

Chloe's eyes grew wide. “Awesome. I can't wait to read it! I may wait until another day for the attic. Thanks Mom. Love you. Bye Jordan.”

“She's in a good mood today.”

Jennifer turned from watching Chloe disappear into the house. Jordan had moved closer. He was within reach. Her fingers itched to touch him but she wasn't sure how he'd react. He didn't seem too happy with her wish to keep things quiet. And there was still that matter of him manipulating her on their first date. She laughed to herself. Actually, it had been their only date.

“Found out some good news while at the hardware store.”

Jennifer arched an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Our mystery man has been in a few times. Even gave me a list of things he bought last time.”

“Anything to point out who he is, or where we can find him?”


Jennifer sighed. “Anything that might show he has something to do with everything going on around here?”

“Another no.”

Jennifer dropped to the steps. “Great. That's not very good news.”

“Well it means he's still in town and he's not afraid to show his face in public. I asked George to call me if he comes back in. Or if those two strangers come in.”

“I can't believe you're worried about them. It wasn't that big a deal that they looked at me. I mean, it made me feel weird but your jealousy act went overboard.”

Jordan sat down beside her. “It was more than that. Right now, I'm interested in anyone who comes into town that we don't know. They might be working with the stranger. Or at least know him. I checked the hotel before I came this way. There aren't any men fitting any of these descriptions staying there. They have to be somewhere. Possibly together.”

Jennifer felt a bit bad for thinking what she did. Of course he wouldn't have been acting in a fit of jealousy. He was too respectable a man for that. The door banged open and Chloe came out, the leather journal clutched to her chest. She looked at Jennifer, her eyes wide and glazed.

“What's wrong?”

“Mom, we're rich.”

Jennifer's heart sped up. Had Chloe found out about the money in her bank account? She cast a quick glance at Jordan. She didn't want him to find out like this.

“Chloe, what are you talking about?”

Jennifer was glad Jordan asked the question. Her tongue felt glued to the top of her mouth.

“It says in here that my way great grandpa hid a bunch of money on the ranch. If I can find it, we can save the ranch.”

Jennifer didn't remember anything like that in the pages. “Chloe, where did you see that?”

She held the book out. The yellowed pages crinkled at the corners. She had it open to an unfamiliar page. The faded writing matched the rest of the journal she'd committed to memory.

“I never saw that page.”

Chloe shrugged. “A few pages were stuck together. I almost didn't notice it until a piece of the corner started to peel back.” She bit her lip as she looked at the book in her hand.
“Most of it pulled apart pretty good, but this page ripped in the middle. Right about where he said where he hid the money.”

Jordan laughed. “Of course it did. What fun is a hidden treasure if you have the exact location.”

Chloe grinned. “I'm going to grab Brandon so we can start looking. I'm going to check the attic first. Mom, do you know of any secret rooms or hiding spots?”

Jennifer tried to laugh. It sounded nervous, even to her own ears. “Not off the top of my head.”

“Well what buildings were here back then? Besides the house?”

“You'll have to ask your grandpa. I'm not real sure.”

Chloe sighed. “Well there has to be someplace he'd trust enough to store it. I wonder if Pa knows about this. I can't wait to tell him.”

She grinned again before running back into the house. Jordan turned back to Jennifer as they were left alone.

“That should keep her pretty busy for a while.”

She nodded. “Yep. I hope she doesn't get her hopes up. What are the chances of her ever finding that money.”

Jordan shrugged. “She's stubborn like you. I wouldn't put it past her.”

“Even if she did, I doubt it'll be usable. That journal was written back in the 1800s. I don't think money from then is even usable.”

“It depends. Even if not, there's a lot of private collectors that would pay a pretty penny for something that old. If it's in good condition.”

Jennifer felt an idea stir to life in her mind. “So you're saying that money could be the answer to our prayers?”

“I wouldn't go that far right now. We'll have to wait until Chloe finds it to figure out if she could spend it. The serial numbers are what matters. Certain types of money are useless.”

Jennifer propped her hand on her knee. She dropped her chin into her palm and sighed. So much for that plan. She'd hoped to be able to use the money she had in the bank and claim it had belonged to her ancestors. To do that, they'd end up checking the bills and realizing they were much newer than she claimed. She needed to talk to a lawyer about her options regarding that large sum of cash she had.

“What's wrong?”

Jennifer jumped. She'd forgotten Jordan sat next to her. “Nothing.”

She saw him shake his head. “I can tell there's something going on in that mind of yours.

What is it?”

He wouldn't let it go. “I'm just worried we're going to lose the ranch. I have to be able to do something to save it.”

“We'll figure it out sweetie. The bank manager doesn't seem in too big a hurry to close your
grandparents out.”

“Pa can't afford too many more setbacks like we've been having. Even with the insurance covering all the new damages, it can still hurt us. And it's not good for his health either.”

A white truck pulled up and parked. Jennifer read the blue decal on the passenger door. She stood up and brushed off her bottom. An elderly lady rounded the hood and walked towards Jennifer, her hand out-stretched. A black camera hung around her neck and she held a clipboard in her left hand.

“Mrs. Matthews?”

Jennifer nodded and accepted the woman's grasp. After she introduced herself as Edna Marlin from the insurance agency, she held up the clip board and peered through her wire-rimmed glasses at the clipboard in her hand.

“I'm here to take photos and assess the damages to your ATVs.”

Jennifer nodded towards the lake. “Someone ran one into the lake, and cut the wires on the other four. You'll find them in the lean-to on the right side of the barn.”

“Thanks. I'll let you know if I need anything. Where can I find you once I'm done?”

Jennifer nodded to the porch. She watched the woman walk towards the water's edge before she returned to the porch. Jordan still sat on the steps, watching her. She flushed under his intense gaze.

“Do I have something in my teeth?”

He shook his head. “Nope. You're just so beautiful. I can't believe you're really mine.”

“Well technically, I belong to myself. I'm just loaning my body out to you.”

His forehead wrinkled. “I hope your heart's still part of the deal.”

She sighed as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “I think you've always had that.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I feel the same way.”

Jennifer took a deep breath as she watched the insurance agent click pictures of the tire tracks and crime scene, taped off with yellow police tape.

“Jordan, I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I don't know if I can stay in this town if we lose the ranch. I can't stand the thought of watching some stranger come in here and destroy everything my family has spent their lives building.”

Jordan squeezed her shoulder. “It won't come down to that. Even if it means resigning from the force so I can stand guard here twenty four-seven. Jennifer, I promise you, I will figure out who's doing this to y'all. They will pay for their crimes.”

Jennifer wished she could accept his reassurance. She knew Jordan was good at his job and he wouldn't stop until he caught the person responsible. She just worried it wouldn't be in time. They didn't even have a suspect, after all. How was he supposed to arrest someone they couldn't identify?

“What's that damn reporter doing on my property?”

Jennifer jumped from Jordan like her grandpa had caught them doing something wrong. She rolled her eyes as Jordan grinned at her.

“Pa, you scared the daylights out of me. She's not a reporter. She's from Billings. She's assessing the damage for my insurance claim.”

Pa mumbled something under his breath and shook his head. “I still don't like it. I don't need someone handing me charity.”

Jordan stood up and turned towards the older man. “Sir, it's not charity. It's covering your losses and it's a smart idea. Someone is intentionally damaging things. I think it's to force you off the ranch.”

Pa's eyes narrowed. “No one's gonna run me off my place. I'll be here until I'm dead in the ground.”

Jordan nodded. “Yes sir. I agree, and I don't blame you. I love this place too. But we have to be realistic. You can't keep covering all your losses out of your own pocket. You're in debt as it is. This helps even things out.”

That seemed to take the wind out of his sails. He sagged against the house and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Fine. She can do her job. But Jennifer, I'm making the monthly payments. And I'll cover the deductible and whatever else they need from me.”

Jennifer shook her head. “Pa, I want to do this. I'm not working right now. This is my way to help cover my staying here.”

“You either do it my way or I'll cancel the policy now. You know I don't expect you to pay a thing to stay here. This is your home as much as it is your grandmother's and mine.”

Jennifer nodded once. She knew it was pointless to argue. He didn't have to know she'd already payed the policy for a full year and written a check for the deductible. She'd take the money Pa gave her and give it to the bank. A small way to go to help cover the debt he owed. “Yes sir. If that'll make you feel better.”

He bobbed his head before turning and going back into the house. As the door closed behind him, she sensed Jordan at her back. “You just lied to that man.”

Jennifer turned around and gave him an innocent look. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

Jordan laughed. “I know better than to believe you're going to let him pay anything.”

She tilted her chin up. “you don't know me that well, apparently. I will let him give me money. It just won't be going towards what he thinks it is.”

“You are an amazing, frustrating, loyal woman Jennifer Matthews.”

She smiled and stood on tiptoe to press a kiss to Jordan's lips. “I'm glad you know that much about me, at least.”

“There's something else I know.”

He held her close, rubbing his hips against hers. She felt his cock grow hard and press against her stomach. She moaned and tried to keep up with the conversation.

“What else is there?”

He leaned down and nuzzled her neck. “That I can't get enough of you. I'm addicted.”

“Maybe you should go to rehab.”

He bit the tender flesh between her neck and shoulder. “This is one vice I don't ever want to give up.”

“Good. I wouldn't want you to.”

Jordan stepped away. Jennifer felt empty without him touching her.

“Let's go for a walk.”

“Could you sign this before you leave? I have all I need.”

Jennifer turned around and spotted the insurance agent. She felt her face grow warm. Something about Jordan made her forget everything except him. She grabbed the clip board and signed where the agent pointed. She passed it back and smiled.

“Thanks for coming out so quick.”

“No problem. We'll give you a call within a few days.”

Jordan pulled Jennifer around the side of the house before the woman had time to get down the driveway. He led her to the back fence and opened the gate. After they went through, he secured it back.

“Where are you taking me?”

He shrugged. “I don't really care, as long as it's far enough to be away from wandering eyes.”

Jennifer felt a shiver run through her. He wanted to make love to her. Outside, under the setting sun. She couldn’t think of anything she wanted more. When they reached the creek, Jordan pulled her to the ground. His arms went around her as his mouth sought hers. She sighed as she parted her lips. His tongue dueled with hers, slow at first. The kiss became urgent as Jennifer started to rub his erection through his pants.

“Get naked.”

Jennifer laughed at the husky command. “And if I don't want to?”

“I'll handcuff you and do it myself.”

An image flashed through her mind. She knelt on the hard ground, naked except for a pair of steel bracelets pinning her wrists behind her back. Jordan stood over her, his body bathed in the dim light. She swallowed as she imagined his cock bobbing before her mouth.

“Am I going to have to make good on my threat?”

Jennifer jumped into action. She pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. Her hands shook as they fumbled with the button on her jeans.

“Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. You know I would never do anything like that.”

Jennifer met Jordan's gaze as she shucked her shoes and shimmied out of her pants. “You didn't. The opposite actually. It kinda turned me on. Though I'm not ready to try something that kinky. Yet.”

He shoved his boxers to his feet and winked. “Whenever you get the urge, just let me know. I'd be happy to oblige.”

“I didn't know you were into things like that.”

He shook his head. “I've never tried it, but it makes me rock hard to think of you at my mercy. I could have my way with you and you'd be powerless to stop me.”

“I never resist.”

Jordan took her face in his hands and kissed her nose. “You don't resist, but you always make me stop before I'm ready.”

“That's because it feels too good. I'm not used to so much pleasure.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Well you better adjust baby because I plan to make sure you're thoroughly loved for the rest of your life.”
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