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#771558 added January 14, 2013 at 12:06pm
Restrictions: None
Arguments, Procrastination, and Self-Knowledge
*Snow2* Disclaimer: I am composing this entry while drinking my first cup of coffee. Therefore, I am not sure how enthusiastic I am on this cold (at least to me) Monday morning. I am drinking leftover coffee from yesterday which I warmed up in the microwave, today's fresh carafe is still brewing.

The January 14, 2013 (Enthusiastic Monday) prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Persuade me why you appreciate verbal arguments or disagreements.

Verbal arguments and disagreements reveal the personality traits of the combatants. Sometimes the traits revealed are good and sometimes bad that is why, when embroiled in a verbal argument or disagreement, a individual should note two thing. First, the way he or she is verbalizing his or her points and responding to the other combatant's points. Second, the way the other combatant is verbalizing points and responding to points.

Some people you cannot have a civil argument or disagreement with because it always ends in shouting, yelling, etc. The trick is for a person to learn the triggers that cause these responses in him or herself. When a person has knowledge of these triggers then a way to handle them can be formulated. This is the key to keeping a verbal disagreement civil because the only person an individual can control is him or herself. If the other combatant is unable to participate in a civil argument then one should find a catch phrase, such as "That is an interesting point, I'll have to think about", or smile and change the subject; especially, if leaving the scene of the argument is not possible.

An observant person can tell a lot about friends, foes, and self by the way they act when participating in a verbal argument or disagreement. This is true for everyone, especially politicians. Yesterday's edition of MSNBC's Caught on Camera revealed politicians, in several countries, having knock down drag out disagreements in front of cameras.

*Snow3* Disclaimer: I know I have written this in either the third person or the second person; I am not sure which at this point because I am only on my second cup of Monday morning coffee.

The January 14, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum
What is your worst quality as a human? Describe it in detail, and why you think it's bad.

Without a doubt, my worst human quality is procrastination. I can think of any excuse to put off anything until the last possible minutes. I can think of make work so that I have an excuse to procrastination. I can even write a poem that makes procrastination look like a virtue.

Procrastination is best
Of this much I am sure
All though you may protest
Procrastination is best
Taking action may cause unrest
So inaction is the cure
Procrastination is best
Of this much I am sure

In 2013, I am attempting to overcome this habit and resign as President of the Procrastinators Society of America; I am not sure whether I am doing a good job or not, but it is still early in the year. If this question was ask last year I probably would have had a different answer. If this question is ask next year the answer will probably be different. However, right now my worst quality is procrastination.

Thought for the Day: "O Son of Being! Bring thyself to account each day ere thou art summoned to a reckoning; for death, unheralded, shall come upon thee and thou shalt be called to give an account for thy deeds." ~ Baha'u'llah, The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, from the Arabic #31

*Snow4* Note: I am working on bringing myself to account one day at a time.

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