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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/776424-Got-No-Time
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#776424 added March 2, 2013 at 1:09pm
Restrictions: None
Got No Time
I'm not sure where I heard it, but from someplace comes, "I got no time! Got a go, got a go!"  Well that's today. I thought I would  have some time today, and was, in fact, looking forward to this morning and this weekend. I should know better.

It's funny, in a non-funny way, how things work out. See, I was up to about midnight last night enjoying a quiet evening at home know that I did not have to get up at three this morning and rush to get to work on time, like was the case for the last week. Today, I do not have to be to work until one this afternoon, so I slept in, or at least in comparison to the rest of this week. I planned on getting up at eight this morning, which would have allowed me eight hours of peaceful sleep. Something I have not had for over a week.

Then, I could sit and enjoy a couple cups of coffee with my Baby, then get a bible study in, then finish up with some scheduling and some time in here. After, I would have time to enjoy a nice lunch and get ready for work, and head out for the day. Instead, I got up at a little after nine. Why, well for some odd reason, my dear wife, my baby I was looking forward to spending a leisurely couple cups of coffee with, set the alarm for nine instead of eight. She did it on purpose, but didn't really know why, when I asked her. She also did not set the coffee to turn on, and took an hour to make it and come wake me. Well she did not wake me, she came in and turned the alarm off after it went off at nine.

Now, I should mention that we have a kind of morning routine. The alarm goes off and she hits snooze, snuggles up to me and then we kind of snuggle, cuddle and doze for eight minutes. Sometimes, she will hit the button twice, but once is the norm. Then she gets up, turns things on, and makes us a couple cups of coffee. When I say make, I mean she puts a little honey and creamer in them. Then, she returns to the bedroom, where I am often lying awake in anticipation, and sets her coffee down. Next she sets mine by my chair, turns on the warming pad and my computer, then returns to the bedroom and takes a sip of hot coffee, throws the blankets back, and puts her very hot mouth right on my Willy. Of course, she does a bit of nibbling and caressing; This is repeated a few times and then I am coaxed out of bed, well teased and ready for the day.

We have a second cup of coffee in our recliners as we discuss the day. After, we begin the days activities and do what the schedule is set up for, work, day off, shopping, doing; whatever is on the agenda for the day.

But for the last week, I have been up at three, off by four and no time for any of this. Today, if I was up at eight, we could have enjoyed some of this past do time together, but she did not set the alarm for eight, but for nine. She also did not set the coffee up on a timer and spent a good hour on her computer while it sat after brewing. Then, when the alarm went off, she came in and turned it off, then went back to getting us some coffee. I was up, ran to the bathroom, and was about to return to bed for some mush missed TLC, when I looked at the clock and seen it was after nine already.

From there it has been a rush to get things done and in here to write. Now, I should be enjoying a nice lunch and getting ready for work, instead I am ten minutes late ant getting ready and have to leave in five. No time to eat, just dress and run, and will likely be late. It's alright if I am a little late, I'm close to going on overtime and it has not been approved. Even so, it will not look right and will have to be explained when I have my e-conference with my boss next Monday.

Well... got to run~

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."

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