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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/777075-Good-News-and-a-Nice-Surprise
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#777075 added March 8, 2013 at 4:21pm
Restrictions: None
Good News and a Nice Surprise
As you may know, time has been my enemy for a while now, and getting in here to do anything in WDC has been a challenge all winter. I started this blog as a means of keeping a journal, and getting all the gunk out of my thinker. I have used 750 Words, but it was either there or here time wise, and they also require 750 words (who'd of guessed) to get all the bells and whistles to go off.

So far, it's been working well, I have only missed one day in here since starting this blog. I have also done a great deal of writing about things that have occupied my thoughts and freed up some thinking for creativity and also dropped a lot of stress. Even so, time continues to work against me right now, and then other problems attack on various fronts. I know this is often the case, and happens to many people. For me, it is time related to my job, my home life, and my social life.

My wife's schedule almost always conflicts with mine and this costs me a lot of free time. Then, of course, there is the time she needs, a brother also has claims to some, and we also have two Golden Retrievers who need a great deal of attention. So far, things work out and we manage. Then along comes a coworker who also wants to increase her time by taking some of my days off. She has since I started the job, but now as supervisor, I can at least have some control over it. Nonetheless, she still insists on taking a day here, and one there. And almost always on the few days I get to take off with my wife.

I made a big change in the schedule to put a damper on this, she now has the days she most often asks for, as her off days. Of course, it cost her a bit as well, and I'm already sure she will not be happy with anything but just ask for more. Still, it's a step in the right direction. If she asks now, at least most days are days I can spare without giving up the few days my wife and I have off together. This means more hours and more money, and if she does ask for my preferred days off, I can say no. It also sends a message, since I spoke with her and told her that she was infracting on my personal time, there will be costs associated with requests like this.

That is part of the good news, another part of this is I have to be there to distribute checks. We get paid every other Saturday, but checks can be handed out on Friday. Unfortunately there were those who picked up checks and deposited them on Thursday and the company was not happy. In response, payroll is now sent to me and I have to open and hand out checks. Prior to the schedule change, I was off the Friday before payday, so would have to drive in, hand out checks, then drive home; fifty miles round trip. Now I work the three days before payday, and can perform this mandate while at work and on the clock.

So far, so good. Then an ice storm and after, noises from the front of the van. Upon looking, a broken spring on the drivers front suspension. I know the ice did not break it, and there was a clunk once in a while since we purchased the van, as is, last fall. I'm sure it was broken then, since it pulled a bit and seemed to need an alignment. It just got worse over the winter, and the ice did it in. That means in for repairs, and pretty costly ones, too.

Again, time is the issue. When I am off, my wife works. except every other Monday and Tuesday.  Also, money is tight; well it was tight when we still had a little left. Now there just isn't any left. We survive paycheck to paycheck. The good news was, in researching parts for the best deal, I found a great deal, the strut and spring already to install. With a few saver codes, the price was half of anyplace else, and it will be here next week. My brother came through for a place to work on it in his garage, we have the tools, and can rent anything we may need.

Since it's a complete unit, there is no trying to remove and replace the coil spring, the part I would not be able to do without special equipment. If there are problems, he can run me around for needed parts and any tools we may need. So far, it's sounding a lot better than before.

Then, I log in here at WDC and see Ihave mail. Someone reviewed a story and given a very wonderful review. In it, they told me they had seen the story in a newsletter. What? It was published? OK, maybe not published in stores, but it was published in a newsletter, and that is still something. Since I have not been in here much at all, I don't know what newsletter, but I did thank her and ask.

My only question is, why did they not ask permission? I would have granted it, so it is not a big deal, just a point of curiosity. So, that is the nice surprise I had today, and I'm looking forward to seeing who published it. I will have to make a copy just for having one of them. It may not be much, but for me, it is a big deal to have any kind of publication of my work. I am honored.

It's after three in the afternoon, I'm dressed and ready for work, sitting in a dinning area waiting for my time to start work. I had to get ready and leave when I finished up the rest of this, but now I have a little time and decided to add a bit more in here. I took some time to look for the above mentioned newsletter, but no luck. I'm not sure how to do a search to find it, if that is even possible. I'll hope that the sweet lady who reviewed my item will remember and answer back.

It's nice out, the sun is almost breaking through the hazy sky, the temperature is warm and the snow and ice are melting. More warm air is moving in, to mix with the colder air to make for snow and ice storms for tonight and tomorrow. I hope they are wrong, I've had about enough snow and ice for one season. the good news is, I don't have to work tomorrow, so if it does get bad, I can just stay home. the bad news is, I'm the supervisor, so if anyone cannot make it as a result of the weather, they call me and I have to either find someone or go in myself. More good news, the two workers on schedule are both right in town and should not have problems.

If the weather hits, it may cancel a fishing outing, but that's not so bad, there will be other days, and I am pretty shot from working twelve days with only one break in there. A break from driving in, but a day of work from home. So, if I get stormed out of fishing, I can still stay home, my wife has the day off, and I can vegitate and get some much needed down time. If the weather is not bad enough to stop us from going fishing, I can still have fun with my brother, get some down time fishing, and be home by six or sooner; a nice quiet evening with my wife to relax and vegitate.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."

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