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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#778534 added March 25, 2013 at 9:18pm
Restrictions: None
There is a saying that goes something like early to bed, early to rise, makes a man feel healthy, wealthy, and wise.

It's either not true or I did it wrong. I went to bed early this morning, around one or so, and fell almost instantly into a deep, uninterrupted sleep. This morning, I was woke up by the phone at seven-thirty. So, early to bed; 1:00 am. Early to rise, 7:30 am. Did I feel healthy? No. Did I feel wealthy? No. Did I feel wise? Again, no.

I felt startled, tired, and groggy. I was startled by the noise of the phone jarring me out of a deep and peaceful sleep. I was tired and did not want to get out from under the covers. I talked for less than a minute and longed deeply to just dive right back into bed and drift once again into consciousnesses. I was groggy as I answered the phone, my mind stunned and confused as I listened to the words.

It took me a minute to comprehend the message I received, and then I had to take a couple more minutes to shake the cobwebs from the corners of my mind so that I could respond. My boss had called from the home office two hundred and some miles away. It's payroll today, and he needed one of the guards out time for Friday.

Once the message seeped in, I understood and told him I would get the information he needed and call him right back. I then had to contact the guard, but he was at work and cannot take calls while on duty. So had to work my still slumbering brain a bit, but found the answer, I called the stores front office, had them radio the guard and get the information, then I called my boss back and passed this time on to him.

Without coffee, short on sleep, and in the morning gloom with no lights, I pulled it off and completed the task. Not too bad, but now I needed coffee. A part of me wanted to go fall back into bed and pass back out, but I knew it would not happen. I could get all snuggled into the blankets, close my eyes and drift, but I would not drift far enough to fall back to sleep. I never do; nope just stay up and get some coffee.

My wife had also gotten up, so she started a pot of coffee, then she vanished beneath the still warm blankets and was softly breathing in a deep sleep within a minute. I poured a cup of coffee, that's about all that had dripped through yet, and took a sip. It was hot, and strong. It did the trick; a light came on in my brain. Another sip or two, and another light came on. By the time I finished the cup, I had woke most of my brain and was actually starting to feel awake.

A question arose out of the no luminous regions of my mind, "Why didn't he tell me he couldn't clock out?"

All the guards should know that they need to let me know right away if they cannot clock in or out; I've told them repeatedly. In fact, it was just two weeks ago, I was woke the exact same way for a different guard. I had explained this to them all back then, again. Also, I had just talked to this person, yesterday. Not just talked, but worked with him for four hours. Why then, could he not tell me he did not get clocked out on Friday?

I know the answer. I just had it in a Bible study yesterday. I have also heard this a few times in the past. I agree with it and know it to be true. They don't listen; they can't, because they are too busy talking. Seriously.

Learning is a difficult task, it takes a lot of energy. Listening and understanding something is part of this learning process. You have to hear it, process it, then apply it. But, if your talking while the directions are given, you do not hear them, cannot process them, and then there is nothing to apply. Even if your not talking, but thinking about what you will say as soon as you get the chance, your still talking in you mind. If something is coming out, you can't take anything in.

This is science, and it's very true. The mind works in one direction at a time, either taking in, or putting out. The doctrine in the Bible study confirms this. Job 33:33 "Listen to me; keep silent, and I will teach you wisdom.

The first step in learning? Listen. The second, keep silent. This applies to oral and mental noise, keep them silent and listen instead of speaking. Then, and only then can we learn wisdom.

Well, there it is.

Only now there is a bit more. Even though the day started out a bit harsh, it soon picked up. I spent some time with my lovely wife, since we both have today off. We sipped some coffee and talked, but she was tired and soon wandered back to bed. I soon joined her and we had a nice nap. Upon arising feeling more rested and much better, I logged in, checked mail, put on some music and put in some time in here, WDC. I read a little bit, did a review or two, then took a short break.

A lazy day, relaxed and feeling pretty good. What to do? Lots; there is an endless list of things to do. But, today I pushed this mental list back, opened a folder on my hard drive labeled Prose & Poetry. I looked for a specific item I had jotted down and opened it in my word processor. I then copied and pasted it in my portfolio. Next, with good music seeping throughout the house, I began to read and work on this item.

I just finished plugging it for reviews and feedback. This may not be a brand new write, but it still feels good to be writing something again. In fact, it felt so good to write and work on it, that upon completion, when I read it to Rhonda, I kept getting a bit teary eyed; it just felt that good to write and create again -- it's been a long time.

If you read this, and are willing, the item is in my portfolio, Spring Revisited; "Spring Revisited

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