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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/779017-Friday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#779017 added March 29, 2013 at 3:12pm
Restrictions: None
Another rushed write; this will be so nice when it's done. One week and one day left, then my wife is unemployed, hopefully for a short time. However short it may be, the main thing she is looking for in her next job is consistency in the schedule, same hours each day, and the same days each week. Sure, we both know there will be exceptions, but we can handle them on occasion.

It's actually less then the eight days I list, that is by date, one week from tomorrow is her last day at Target. Even so, she works today and tomorrow, then has Sunday through Wednesday off, then will work Thursday through Saturday, then done. She is looking at a position in a kitchen that would be six in the morning to two in the afternoon, with some weekends. She worked there before, although not in the kitchen, and knows this to be every other weekend. The hours will work with my job, and I will soon have almost every weekend off, so it will be every other weekend with her, but at least we will have the full afternoon together, as well.

Today, well I thought I would have more time to write later, from town. I was not scheduled for work until five again, but Rhonda has to be at work by three. So, the plan was, like yesterday, take her in, go to HyVee and get online for a while, then head over to work.

I noticed yesterday that this is not the best way to have down time before work. I knew it was a hassle and a pain, but I still looked at it as relaxing before working for the evening. Yesterday it dawned on me, I was not relaxed, I was actually kind of up-tight. I did not have much time to get involved in anything, and had to keep a constant eye on the clock, so I would not be late. I also noticed that I was a bit apprehensive of work, of sitting in the buffet area, the noise and distractions, and the people around me.

Not a lot, but a slight bit. There is always noise in areas like that, but most is blocked as much as possible. Even so, there could be someone I know who talks to me, and so a bit apprehensive of being disrupted. It may be a good distraction, or it could be bad, it didn't matter, it was just the possibility itself. There was the mental nagging of having to be at work on time, of needing to send a fax, and of it possibly being a busy night, you should relax a while. I was not comfortable sitting at a booth typing and reading, although not uncomfortable, it is still not comfort, either.

Also, people are rude. If you just sit and watch people in areas like a buffet, it is surprising how many of them are just rude and even a bit obnoxious. Yawning or talking with mouths stuffed full of partially chewed food, interrupting each other, picking and digging in areas best left untouched, especially at the table, and of course, just general sloppiness.

The worst of these will pick an area as close as possible to someone sitting alone on a computer trying to read or write something, even though the buffet is almost empty at this time. They will talk too loud, try and see what your doing, and if that is not distracting you, they either talk to you about what your doing, or about you for doing it. For example, yesterday a group of elderly folks came in, got food and even though some wanted to sit by a window and enjoy the beautiful weather, a couple of the above mentioned types insisted on sitting in a booth right behind me.

There was plenty of requests for a table instead, with good arguments, but the few insisted a booth would be fun and that was the one. Then, after bouncing the seat a bit getting settled in, they begin to talk and eat. Lots of noise, some not very pleasant, but all kind of blocked as I looked at some erotic items in here. Then, I hear someone ask me what I'm doing.

"Is that work." she asked.

"No, just reading." I answered.

I kind of ignored anymore and continued on, but was aware of the sensation of someone looking over my shoulder. The next thing I hear is someone saying something about how disgusting it was to sit next to someone reading porn. Then it is directed to me to be ashamed of what I'm reading, and how upsetting it was to her.

I ignored this again, and continued on. I was thinking it was actually kind of funny, since I wasn't reading anything, just kind of browsing through the items listed. She must have been reading the titles over my shoulder. The next thing I know, she is telling the person working there, who come to remove some empty plates, that she is very upset that they allow people to sit in there and look at porn.

The young lady of course could see my computer from where she stood, and must have looked. She replied that she did not see anything pornographic, and that they did not regulate what people used the public wifi for. She added that there were other seats available and she would assist them in moving to another if it was bothering them.

The hag, for lack of a better term, insulted at this, commented in a harsh tone that she would not be moved from her seat because some pervert decided to sit by them and look at smut! At this, I politely stood up and addressed them.

"I was sitting here minding my own business when you and your group came in. You picked this spot, even though you could see I was doing something on the computer. You interrupted me to ask what i was doing, even though it is none of your business, and I told you, I was reading. That was not good enough, you again had to invade my privacy and look over the back of the seat to see what I was reading. I wasn't reading anything, yet, just looking through some titles, but you seen something you did not approve of and have been going off since."

I then turned and addressed the lady working and asked if she would call a manager back to the buffet, I wanted to voice a complaint of having rude people invade my privacy as a paying customer. She smiled and said she would do that right away. Of course, the hag, her cronies got up and left. The others, who had done nothing, apologized for them, and continued their meal. I cancelled my request and everything was fine. I began to shut down, it was time for work.

One of the gentlemen at the table had a bit of a chuckle as I got up to leave, and thanked me for putting Mrs. Soandso in her place. They all nodded and one of the ladies added, "That was way over do, perhaps now them old bitty's won't invite themselves along anymore."

Got to run, I was asked to come in early...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/779017-Friday