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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/780104-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#780104 added April 9, 2013 at 1:17am
Restrictions: None
April 8th, not the ninth, it is Monday the eighth today. Well it was when I wrote this, our time. It is now 16 after and I wanted to correct the date.

OK, I was wrong. I thought it was over and I would have a bit more time. I knew there would be some days worse than others, but all in all, better. Then next month, it would improve even more. Not so.

It should have, and it should, but then again, things can go wrong. It was different, but still I have no time. Next month, who knows, maybe yes, maybe no.

See today I have a day off. Only I also have anew hire training today and tomorrow; my wife. I do not train her the first four to six hours, that is done by the store management. So, I really would not have to even go in today, just stay home and enjoy some down time.

I was up late last night, but not real late. I suppose around one or two I made it to bed. At eight this morning, I woke to the phone. It was the home office, they needed some guards times for work, it's payroll. This has been going on for weeks, months even. I have tried to get everyone to do this right and update me if they cannot clock in our out, right away so I can update the home office. I thought I had made progress, now I don't know.

It could be the personnel, or it could be the clock in system, I don't know. I do know I had to jump up and get that done, first thing. Then, I see an email from my boss. Seems some of the paperwork I sent for the new hire did not arrive or was misplaced. This was the stuff I had faxed last week, and perhaps some of the pages stuck together. Also, there was a new item needing filled out, direct deposit.

I also seen that the federal forms were needed. I had sent them last week as well, but by U.S. Mail. I gathered the needed paperwork, I scanned and saved PDF's, I wrote a short email, and I attached the paperwork, then clicked send. Next, I called my boss and explained that I had sent the other forms by mail. He still needed them to get the now hire n the system since she started training today.

I filled it all out again and had her sign and date them all. Good thing this new hire lives here. By now, it's time for her to go in for training. So, I grab my paperwork and drive her in. My plan is to fax these documents then return home for a while. On the way in, my boss calls, the email arrived but he could not open the documents. Of course I did not have them with me. I told him I would send the federal stuff and then send the others later. He said that was ok, but as soon as I could.

I decided to run back and get the rest after dropping Rhonda off. So, she went in and I sent the first fax. She had needed to use the bathroom, and when she came out, the person who would train her was there. He had a meeting today, so he had me start her training while he attended the meeting. After, he took over and I had just enough time to run home and go back in to fax it all.

But I had it done, I went over a few other things and then it was time for Rhonda to get done and we could drive home. However, I needed to talk to the guard just coming on, so I went around back and took care of that. After we stopped, grabbed a few items for dinner and came home. I took care of some files and paperwork while Rhonda fixed dinner.

It was just about time to eat when I realized I had left stuff at work that I needed. Not wanting to do this all over again tomorrow, I ran in a third time, got my documents, folder, and anything else I needed and came home. Now it was time to eat, or more accurately, past time. So we ate and then it was time to watch a spot of Netflix, then it was time for bed, but I needed to get in here yet.

Well, I did and now I have to run.

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