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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/781462-Saturday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#781462 added April 27, 2013 at 12:48pm
Restrictions: None
Ah, the weekend. What so many wait for all week long is finally here. And not just another weekend, like the ones we have been getting. No, today is sunny and bright out, the wind is mild, and the temperature is warm; fifty degrees already and working into the mid to upper sixties today. Same for tomorrow. I should be motivated and excited, right?

So why am I not? Because today is not the beginning, it's the end. The end of my work week, another day to work, although the nice weather does make that better. Tomorrow? The beginning of another work week. Not that this is my complaint, it is just what it is. I do not see weekends the same as most people, for my job, my shift, they are just the same as any other day.

I do get every other weekend off, or did. I have not heard back from the office, but it is now looking like I may be working every weekend. In fact, it will be every Friday through Monday that will demand I work until someone else gets hired. That leaves Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off, right? No, I will still have to cover the regular evening shift on each day of the week. There are two of us to cover these, but on the four days of the weekend, we will both have to work to provide double coverage at work.

At least the checks will be nice. Besides, I do not know for sure what direction my boss will go. It will be the first part of next week before I get a reply, and I'm sure the office will have to discuss options and alternatives. They may even need time to investigate a few details before they have an answer.

So, for now, it is work as normal, tomorrow I will have to look at some alterations to the schedule for next week. I will have to take some time and work on the next schedule, There are some major changes that will have to be made to cover everything, and then, if we have another person working, I still want to make some changes.

See, the schedule was altered to provide more opportunity for the person who is likely gone now. Since she will not be working, I see no reason to maintain the schedule as is. I would rather put it back more like it was in the past, but with a few improvements. Also, it will depend on what the new person is willing and able to work.

This is kind of normal, not knowing for sure what is around the corner, but at least it is anticipated and expected this time. In the past, it was always a surprise, and not a nice one. Now, there's room for it to get better.

I'm in town now, I let Rhonda off at work, checked to see if mail had gone, sent a text and came over here to HyVee. I got me a glass of pop, checked my prescription and then sat down here in the buffet area to use the wifi. My thoughts were to try and work on my story a little bit, but the only open table by an outlet is also by a table with Dad, daughter and son.

I cannot believe how out of control children are, and how ignorant their parents. This little boy is about four, his dad at least thirty, yet the kid is besting the dad. These kids especially the little boy, are disrupting the entire area, and dad sits and bickers at him. Mom showed up and is just as bad. The kids are in control, the parents are not. What will the world we live in be like in another twenty years when these out of control kids are in charge?

The good news is they are now gone, but so is much of my time. I want to relax a bit and get my thoughts together, so I may just listen to some doctrine and goof off in here a bit.

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