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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/782052-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#782052 added May 6, 2013 at 4:29pm
Restrictions: None
Still getting use to the new look around the site. It's nice, but it does kind of throw me off a little. I'm not complaining, I like it, I just need to get in here and spend some time, so I can get used to it. Of course, I been needing that for a long time now.

We survived the weekend and Rhonda did not have to go in today for the double coverage. It was kind of nice having her scheduled later and then not having to go in at all was even better. I should have gotten more accomplished with the extra time we found ourselves with, but I didn't.

I was beat; plum wore out so to speak. I had laid back down while she took a shower and slept hard for a quarter hour, but woke up when she called to see if she was required to work. I could have gotten up then, but I've been so run down, I decided not to. She snuggled in beside me for a half hour nap, but we ended up with a couple hours instead.

I'm not much for napping, unless I'm sick or injured, but today was an exception. I welcomed the nap and enjoyed it, and am feeling much better, although still pretty tired. I'm not sure if it's for need of sleep or from the long nap, both can leave me feeling tired. I want to think it's the lasting effects of the long nap, and once I get up and get moving it will wear off. I just hope I did not sleep so much that I won't be able to sleep tonight.

It's warmer out today, but it's been cloudy and gloomy looking most of the day. It is starting to brighten up and there is some sun trying to break through. That would add a little zip to my day, too. I get so tired when it's cloudy, gloomy, rainy and cold like this. It's been a long winter and I'm in need of some sunny spring days.

I do have to work this evening, but it should go better now that I'm rested up some. Then, one more day and I'm up for a couple of days off. I'm really in need of them, too. It's been a long time since I had any down time and I'm finding it wearing on me. Even on my few days off, it seems like there is always something going on for work. I would really enjoy it if everyone could just manage along without any problems and difficulties they can't handle themselves.

But, I don't see that happening, not with this crew. I took a couple of days off in January, after working extra to get everything done and taken care of. I announced that I would be taking a couple of days off with my regular days, and unavailable for the week. I appointed another to fill in for me if there was anything that came up, I posted that time off needed to be done before or after my week off, and if there was anything he couldn't handle, to call my boss for assistance.

He called the next morning, the next afternoon, and the next day. Basically he interrupted both my official days off with bullshit. That's the way it is. I talked to someone about taking time off, to do it on a day other than on the ones I spend with my wife, and what does she do, takes even more of these days off. It's like they actually work at trying to mess me up. Seriously. Why would they? Because they are screw-offs and don't like to do things right.

I, on the other hand, like to be hard working and enjoy doing it by the book as much as is possible. Do it right all the time and you won't have all the problems. I also have been recognized for my hard work and dedication and promoted over them. Now I am the supervisor and they did not advance at all. So, they don't like me for that. Also, it's my job now to hold them responsible for their actions, which was never done before, and they don't like me for that.

I know, because they have come right out and told me. But, that's alright, I don't mind not being liked. I just wish they would see how much advantage there is in following my lead instead of fighting it every step of the way. I have even explained to them, if they comply and do it right, it will not make me look better, but them.

Oh well, it will all come out in the wash...

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