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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/782662-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#782662 added May 14, 2013 at 3:17pm
Restrictions: None
So far, this is a great day. The opening guard wanted today off, and normally I would be the one to cover for him. For that matter, normally I have to cover for everyone. Anyway, the norm has been that I work the night before, then have to get my tired ass out of bed by three the next morning to get to work by by quarter to five. This time, however, I did not.

I did work last night, but Rhonda went in and opened this morning instead of me. She worked about an hour yesterday, and then came home. I went in at five in the evening, and got home about eleven, as usual. She had napped some and then gone to bed early, so when I got home I tried to be quiet and let her sleep. Even so, she didn't sleep real good, but kept waking up all night. Why is it that when you know you have to be up real early, you can't sleep?

So, she went in this morning, I went back to bed and slept in some. She got home about noon, and headed in for a nap, while I got some stuff done online. It's almost time to go wake her, but it's difficult. For one thing, I know how tired I get when I have to do this shift. Another reason is she is sleeping so sound and cute, I just hate to disturb her, and finally, she does so much for me, that I tend to pamper her as much as possible.

Even so, I will have to wake her up. She, like me, will want to spend a few hours together before I have to go in to work tonight. We seldom get a day off together, so we like to make the most of the time we are home together. That's the other part of this so far, so great day. I got a reply back from the vice president. I had e-mailed him a reply to an inquiry he sent, and included the situation with Missy (not her name, but sure is her game).

I explained it was not my intent to go over my boss's head, but since I know that my new boss is very busy and I was replying to his e-mail, maybe I could save them all a little time. I then explained the situation, filled out the forms and faxed everything. When I got back home from taking Rhonda in and sending the fax, I had another message from him. It stated the basics I had gotten from my boss, but did not fully address the situation and my inquiry. So, I took a few minutes and updated him with the rest of it.

I would have to say my boss had not done this, so it was very relevant information. Not that my boss was lacking in any way, he was just taking care of this situation like he's suppose to. The problem is, he is very busy, has about twenty sites to oversee, and at the same time, has just been promoted to this position. He has his hands full with trying to pick up where everyone's at, keep up on current situations, and learn the positing. On top of that, he is still a site supervisor and has those duties on top of the rest. Finally, he is also trying to interview and hire his replacement for the site.

Anyway, my boss is just swamped and is doing the best he can, but he can only cover so much. The vice president must have talked to him and found out the rest of what's going on, and e-mailed me a reply, which I got today. It stated that Missy will have to comply as she was instructed, then she will have to contact the corporate office directly to see if she can get reinstated. Until then, I do not have to try and contact her, or do anything with her.

From today on, it's now her who has to contact me, or the corporate office. If she does contact me, the message is clear, she cannot return to work until she supplies the required information, and talks directly to someone in the office, my boss or higher. This in itself is good news and a big relief. Also, I got a nice comment on my ability to juggle the schedule to cover for her, and another on the revisions I made to remove her position.

I am to proceed with this schedule, and assume Missy will not return. Not that I don't like her, I just don't like the problems she has caused since the first day I was hired. She has quite a few problems, and does not fit her job very well, physically or mentally. She tends to be closed minded to suggestion and assistance, will not work with others unless it provides gain for her, and is basically dishonest. Of course, some of this is more opinion than fact, but she has revealed enough to see this, and to make my suspicions solid.

So, it's sunny and warm, the headache of this specific situation is over, and it's looking like the source of the problem is likely gone, too. Of course, there are other problems, and I anticipate one when I get to work, with the change to the schedule. Even so, I feel more  confident and sure about my position and my authority now. It's nice to know the corporate office does back me and will let me make changes and alterations as needed.

Now, I'm going to go wake up a sleeping beauty. She did wake up, however, seen me typing and went back to bed, telling me she's staying there till I come join her. A great day and getting better...

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