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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/782833-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#782833 added May 16, 2013 at 11:52pm
Restrictions: None
My day off, and it was a nice day. I enjoyed sleeping in a bit, but not too late, then had coffee and got ready to go. Usually I would complain about going anyplace on my day off, unless it is something I enjoy, but today was an exception. It wasn't planned out, but kind of a last minute thing that came up, and I thought about switching my day off to Wednesday instead -- at first. I think it was more habit than anything.

Of course, most of the time, it's not anything I actually care to do, but more demands on my time to pacify someone else. Other times, it's something I enjoy, but the timing is wrong. usually, it's a bit of both, or just the fact that I would like to, but I don't have the time, and if i make it, I have to give up something else. Also, when you go constantly, it's nice to just kind of stay home and slack off once in a while.

Today, though, it was different. I found out earlier in the week that my mother in law and her friend were going to be passing through and wanted to stop for a visit. They do this every year, sometimes a couple of time a year. We meet at IHOPs and have a nice lunch and visit for a while then they proceed on their way and we go back home, shopping, to work, or something similar. Today, Rhonda didn't have to work until five this afternoon, so we enjoyed a nice lunch and visit from noon till about two-thirty, then did a little shopping and came home.

Her mom was pleasant as usual and her friend Dave wasn't as annoying as he can be. he still asked a ton of questions, and he has this habit of asking something and then cutting you off when you try and answer. He also does not follow a conversation, but bounces all over, so it can be difficult to carry on a conversation. But today he was pretty good, and we had a nice visit. After, we all walked out and I got a bit of a surprise before they left.

My mother-in-law was on the sidewalk, I was on the blacktop of the parking lot, so she was a bit taller than if we had been on even ground. She gave Rhonda a nice hug, and said goodbye, then turned to give me a hug, which is normal. I gave her a nice hug and right in the middle of it, she slid her hand down and gave me a flirty pat on the rump. When she broke off the hug, she had a sly smile as she said goodbye.

I wasn't expecting anything quite like this, and I think she enjoyed catching me off guard like that. I probably blushed pretty good and that would have just added to her enjoyment. Not that I minded, I just didn't anticipate it. I hope that doesn't sound bad, but she is a nice enough looking lady, even at her age, and I find it kind of a compliment that she would give a little flirty pat like that.

After, we stopped and got some oil for the mower, but I didn't get to it tonight. We came home and Rhonda took a short nap, I got online for a bit and checked my e-mail. Then she got ready for work and I did a little catching up on a few things in here, in my email, and in my Kindle program.

I got real tired, so I took a little nap, but was woke to the phone. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't so i got up and listened to the message, and found out there was a minor accident at work, and Rhonda needed to know if she had to fill out an accident/incedent  report or not, so I called back and then took the dogs out for a bit.

When I came in, I made a peanut butter sandwich and got back to cleaning up my Kindle Library and then in here. I had an e-mail from a lady who had a few questions, and has written me a couple of times, so I wrote back to her and then got to writing in here. She doesn't have much in her portfolio, or her biography, so i can't say if she is young or older, or anything else about her.

She has been a member here for quite a while, but that's about all I know. She had done a review of one of my stories and I wrote her back a reply. I had also looked to see if she had anything I could review for her, and seen only one item in her portfolio. I wrote her and inquired, she wrote back and explained a little. I wrote her again and now she has replied with a few questions, so I wrote her again.

She seems nice, and I would enjoy knowing a little more about her, but i don't know if I should start asking a bunch of questions. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable or anything, so I just write back in answer to her letters. I did inform her that she can ask me questions, about the site, writing, or anything else, and I hope she takes me up on it. I would enjoy getting to know her a bit better as well, and I hope that if she asks a few more questions, perhaps she will give a little more information, as well.

I'll have to wait and see, and maybe she will, maybe she won't. If she stops by here and reads my blog/journal, she will know who she is. Just in case she does, I suppose I could ask her to write me and tell me a little more about herself. In fact, she could tell me a lot about herself and I wouldn't mind at all. You can also ask anything you want, and I would very much enjoy us getting to know each other better.

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