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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/782923-Saturday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#782923 added May 18, 2013 at 9:39pm
Restrictions: None
I just wanted to get things started in here before I go get started on a few other projects. It's Saturday, but for a change, I have it off. I was going fishing, but then I wasn't, and then it was back on, but I'm still not going.

My brother and I had planned to go fishing today, but we did not know that his girlfriend had plans for him to attend a graduation party with her this afternoon. When I found out yesterday, we changed the plans so he could go with her, to the party at 1:00 and then attend another at 5:00.

Last night he found out there was just the single party this Saturday, at 1:30 and then other one is next Saturday. He also informed me he could go fishing instead of going to the graduation with her. I had explained to him that she may say this, but if he did not go with her, we may have difficulties getting out fishing all summer. Or, as I explained to him, "Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned." She may say he can go fishing, but she wants him to go with her.

So, he called today about eleven but I was indisposed and had to call him back. I had not seen the email, so I had no idea what was up, except that yesterday before work, we had talked it over and decided to cancel the fishing and he would go with her and I would work on mowers, cut the grass, and do a few other jobs around here that are getting behind. Today he's taking about going fishing instead of going with her, and I'm wondering what changed.

I found out soon enough, but with the weather looking like crap out there, thunderstorms in the area, and all the work I have to do, I told him it may be better to wait. He agreed, but sounded kind of disappointed. I hope he makes the most of it and goes to the graduation and has some fun, but he is kind of different when it comes to socializing, and has a difficult time mingling and enjoying these things. I'm going to go work on the mower, then try and get some grass cut before it rains, and hopefully we can get out fishing by Tuesday.

I'll have to stop back in and write a bit more later, after I come back in.

I got the yard mowed, and didn't even get too wet in the process. It was terrible to cut, over a foot tall in many places, very think, and wet. Of course after it rained on me, it was even wetter, but I have it all cut. It will need to be done again soon, since it was so tall and thick. I know it won't look the best, but it will be better than the jungle it was before. I'm thinking around mid week we may have to go over it again. It should not take as long next time, if we get it before it's to tall again.

After I finished, I threw some leftovers in the microwave and started some food cooking for tomorrow. Yeah, it's kind of backwards, but that's how it is. Tonight I had leftovers, and tomorrow it will be warmed up food I cooked today. Why? Because I will have to go in to work around eleven tomorrow. I think Rhonda works at eleven and I go in at two, but I would have to look. Either way, we will have little time to eat anything before we go. So, I picked some asparagus tonight and steamed it with a big sweet potato. Well, it's actually a yam. Tomorrow we can heat it up and have a nice lunch before we head in, or I can take some with and Rhonda can eat when she gets home.

I also wrote a reply to the gentleman who commented in here the other day. He said we could keep in touch, if I wanted. I thought it a good idea, so I wrote him back. Then I looked into my calendar and seen I am way behind on my goals. Of course, the same time I started the calendar and set up the goals, I ended up short one person and had to cover and try to get things straightened out. She still has not returned and has not even turned in the paperwork, so she is pretty much gone.

If it was just my call, she would have been gone a while ago, but it's not just up to me, so she is still kind of pending. Even so, I was given the go ahead to hire another person if needed, and to proceed as if she will not return. Rhonda and I changed the schedule around a bit and if should work for us to have one day a week off together, and we each get two days off in a row. Of course, it's still tight if anyone misses work, or takes time off, but I think we can swing it if the other guards work with me.

If not? Well then I guess I will have to hire someone. But, since it would be someone else forcing my hand, I don't think it would be fare to take hours away from myself or any of the workers who are trying to make things work. In other words, the schedule will work, and if I have to hire someone to make it work, the person who is causing the trouble will lose a few days to give to the new person.

Now, where was I? Oh yeah, my goal setting being behind. I had set a goal to have a rough draft by the fifth of the month and an edited draft by last weekend. But, then we lost the person and everything went kind of insane. See, the weekend she was going to work, I was looking at having a day off, and thinking of calling her to have her pick up a day or two for me. I was feeling pretty under the weather, and knew I needed some time to rest and recover.

Instead, she went to the hospital, or maybe she did. I still think she fabricated the whole thing to provide a usable excuse to take time off as she desired. But, for the sake not knowing for sure, lets say she went to the hospital. So, instead of any time off, I had to work extra. Then, she did not get a release and could not come back to work, so even more work. I got worse, and for a while thought I was going to end up in the hospital. I would have gone in to the clinic, but I didn't have any time. With her gone, I had to put Rhonda in to full time hours with hardly any training, and I had to cover the rest.

It stayed like that for a month. Then, I just said to hell with it and removed the person completely and Rhonda and I worked on the schedule so that we could make it work. I had to change a couple of workers hours a bit, but it works. I also began to feel a bit better. Little by little, I began to regain some strength and was not so tired and run down. Today is five weeks since I was first wiped out by what ever I had, and I'm still not back to 100%. I thought it was the flu, but some of the symptoms and indications now have both Rhonda and I convinced that I had a strep-infection.

I just hope it's over and done, and I will keep feeling better and gaining more energy. It's kind of nice to have time off and get something done instead of sleeping all the time. That's how I spent the last five weeks, working and sleeping; I was -- sick and tired of it~

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