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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/783108-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#783108 added May 20, 2013 at 6:00pm
Restrictions: None
Monday! That kind of explains a lot. I don't know why Mondays are like they are, but they are. I didn't mind them when I had them off, but they still tended to be kinda -- Monday like. Back then, I worked the weekend and looked forward to my Monday off, but it was still Monday, and had it's Monday moments. Now, I work Mondays, as well as the weekends, and they are still just as Mondayish as ever.

For example, I woke up at seven, but didn't feel like getting out of bed. For one thing, it was kind of cold, rainy, and gloomy out. The other thing, I had to be to work at eleven and wasn't feeling very motivated about it. I did get up and ooze into the bathroom to depressurize my bladder, then I kind of oozed right back into bed. I felt a little better when I snuggled up to my darlings backside, all nice and warm and snugly.

an hour later and the alarm is going off, I'm still not feeling motivated to get up, and it's still gloomy, cold, and wet out. I called and found out I did not have to show up till one this afternoon, so that was kind of nice. Being wet and cold out today, I wasn't sure if they would need me at all, but I drove in, just to see, to pick up some paperwork, and to hopefully come back home.

I did get to come back home, after a fooling around checking yard traffic and talking to the afternoon guard. She claimed it was busy, the yard numbers showed it wasn't, so I went back and looked for myself; it was pretty dead. So, I headed home, but forgot to grab the paperwork. Oh well, it's Monday.

Rhonda had come in with me, but didn't have to work till this afternoon. She had wanted to get some stuff done, but had been feeling a bit down this morning. So, I jumped in and gave her some help with things before she had to go to work. So, it was a productive enough afternoon, and I even assisted her with making lunch. After, she got ready for work and I did up the few dishes, wrote her a little love note with a corning stick-man drawing on the back, and got her a cup of coffee ready, then seen her off.

I came in here to continue my journal, which I had started writing this morning. Where was it? Monday must have consumed it, because it was gone. It wasn't a big loss, I had a paragraph in here. Still, it's odd that I didn't save it, and not sure what I did to lose it. After all, I thought I clicked on save. Now, I have this written, and will for sure save it, but I still have to chock it up to Monday.

It's still rainy, cold, and gloomy, and that just adds to it, but it's not a bad day. I'm tired, but I think it's half from the gloomy day, and being busy yesterday. I hope it's just the Monday blues! I don't want to even think I am getting sick again. I went through that for a month, tired, no energy, and felt like... well a Monday.

Of course, there is stress, too. I just got past a stressful situation that is still not fully resolved, but just kind of vanished into thin air. Then Saturday, I get a knucklehead who decides he doesn't want to work the scheduled hours, but thinks he will just come in an hour early and leave an hour early. He did manage to get in an hour early, but he had to stay till the end of his scheduled shift.

Even so, he gains an hour and another person lost one. I'm still going to have to try and explain this to the corporate office in my report. The one I was going to send off today, but forgot to pick up the paperwork. Yeah, that paperwork. So, now I have to write up some disciplinary action and go in to serve that.

Yesterday, I no more than walk into the guardhouse, and the guy working tells me he has to have some possible surgery for his gallbladder. He thinks he will be back to work without missing any time, but I doubt that. In fact, it was something like this that took place last month that still has not resolved itself and has me working one person short.

There was also indications that he was smoking inside, and doing so just because the other guard, who does not smoke, had asked him to keep the door shut so the smoke would not bother her. Yeah, he is the kind of guy who seems like a bully and would do that to her in spite. Of course, I can't do much without actual proof, and even then, it would be difficult. So, lots of little things to add some stress.

So far, though, I'm getting it under control and not letting it get me down. I will work on an evaluation and some disciplinary action tonight or tomorrow and get them done, then we will see what comes up next. It's kind of a shame I'm not a real hard-ass boss, they would get what they are asking for then. But, I am not, and the company we work for is pretty easy going, too. I can't understand why these clowns can't see how good they have it, and try to keep things working smoothly, but they don't. Instead, every time things start to flow smooth, one of more will stir it all up, again.

Oh well, it all works out in the wash. If your into the Karma thing, that works, too. As a Christian, as in belief, not religion, I leave it all in much more able hands than mine or my boss's. You may know it as, "Vengeance is Mine, Says the Lord." There's also, "An eye for an eye." And, "What goes around, comes around." I'm sure you have similar sayings. It all comes down to, "Reaping what you sow."

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