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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/783324-Friday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#783324 added May 24, 2013 at 9:55pm
Restrictions: None
The end of the week has arrived, and Memorial Day weekend has arrived. For most of you, this is a good thing, but for me and Rhonda it's going to be a long weekend. We work Friday through Monday, and this weekend will be one of the busiest. Also, the first shift guard is likely going to be out for the weekend so it means we will both have some very long shifts Saturday and Sunday.

I'm looking at twelve hours on Saturday, and nine on Sunday, while Rhonda will be pulling ten on Saturday and nine on Sunday. Some long days, but it's suppose to be cool this weekend, and there's the chance for rain all weekend, too. This will make working more comfortable, and it may keep it the yard traffic down a little.

I'm also returning after two days off in a row, something I seldom see anymore. I also was able to spend one of them with Rhonda, which is also a rare occasion. I'm hoping that it will not be, and with the new schedule, it should not be, but when you work with childish people who just insist on messing things up, you never know. Even so, here's hoping it works.

I'm feeling better today, which is a big plus, and I hope I continue to feel better as the day progresses. That's how it was yesterday, too. I was feeling terrible when I woke up yesterday. The first time was at six in the morning, and I was awoke to acid re-flux and thinking I was going to vomit.

After some toast, I felt a little better, but I still wasn't feeling much like going fishing. I took a little nap with Rhonda as a result of a sudden loss of energy, and woke to the phone when Len called. I talked to him for a little bit, then got ready to go fish. It was a nice day on the lake, but windy, so a lot of waves and rocking. I had taken some Pepto-Bismo before leaving, and that helped a lot.

I also began to feel better as the day progressed, and by the time we got off the water, I was hungry and ready to eat. Linda picked up some chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy from the Pizza Ranch, and we had a nice dinner at their house, then watched some television until Rhonda got off work and picked me up. I would have liked to gotten a ride to the van and got my computer and stuff, so I could get some work done, but at the same time, it was nice to have a couple day break from work, too.

We are not sure what made me sick, but it had to be the food we ate. Rhonda did not get sick, so it wasn't anything wrong with the food, but perhaps something in it. We looked but found no MSG's which I know are a problem. There were some other additives but I'm not sure if that was the cause or not. Rhonda mentioned last night that it may have been all the bread. We had Sloppy-Joes and Tater-Tots for supper and homemade cinnamon rolls for dessert.

I don't think it's Celiacs like my daughter would insist, but I may have developed a gluten sensitivity, and since I know MSG's also cause problems, there could be other similar additives that increase the sensitivity. That sounds possible, and even likely, since it seems to be a combination more than a single item. I do know that I am sensitive to MSG's; they trigger my asthma, but it also depends on how much I eat.

Also, sometimes it seems worse than other times, which indicates more of a sensitivity than an allergic reaction. But, I am also a big bread eater, and have bread with just about everything. This may be part of it, too. I have thought this myself, but when Rhonda mentioned that it seems to be worse if I eat more bread, it really hit home. MSG's, a bit of a reaction, but not always; add some bread, and it's always.

Or, at least so it seems. It will be easy to test this out, I can restrict bread and gluten heavy foods for a while and see how it goes. If it seems to get better, I can eat some bread and see how it goes after that. It should trigger the acid re-flux and the other problems, indicating that I am also sensitive to something in the bread. Likely, the gluten.

Once I have confirmed my theory, I can watch and see how it goes, limiting MSG's and gluten laden foods. How knows, I may just find myself feeling a lot better again. For now, it's time to get some work done before work.

I'm home now, having gotten my work done before work, at work, and even some after work. That's just the way it's been, work, work, and more work. It shouldn't be, but it is because of the temperament of some of the other workers. I say temperament, but I should just call it what it is, negative attitudes.

They just can't let things be, the schedule is a constant, changing two, three, and even four times before it runs it's course. Getting in trouble for dumb stuff takes a close second, and unwilling to get along/pettyness wraps it up. And, it's not just one person, it's three of them. Of course, two of them at least try and conceal things a bit, but number three almost seems to want to get in trouble.

Oh well. It's like I said before, it will catch up to her. For that matter, it will catch up to them, and they will have to pay the piper one day.

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