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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/784642-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#784642 added June 11, 2013 at 5:03pm
Restrictions: None
What will today bring? Good news I hope, more sunshine, and possibly a new employee. Of course, the news may not be so good, it's mostly cloudy out, and I haven't even done any interviews yet, so I have a ways to go before hiring.

OK, it's a bit later in the day and time is running short. So, what else is new? I did get some work done, but this computer just didn't want to cooperate today. It bogged down and slowed down and I had to take a little time -- that's all I have -- and do some trouble shooting and maintenance before I could get to work. So my day so far was log in here early and get things started, do a Bible study, fix lunch while Rhonda took a little nap, drive her to work and drop some stuff off, return home and set up an interview for tomorrow, work on computer, get started on some work projects, put some work projects on hold, and cruise on over to WDC.

I hope the interview goes well tomorrow and we can get another person hired, trained, and working. I would like to hold the position for Cassie, but I'm not sure it will work out for her. Mostly, it's the hours of availability she has. If she can learn the product well and her work performance is good, I would give her the open shift and put the other person in the temporary position, but along with all of the job requirements, I need someone who can fill in for others as needed. She can't right now. I will keep the option open for a while, and see how things work out.

On the home front, it's work, more work, and then come home and work. No days off this week, again. I still have not heard anything from Pete, so I do not know if he will work this weekend or not. I will hope for the best, but it's doubtful. This is interfering with things at home a lot. Not only working everyday, but having to drive back and forth to take each other to work. It's an hour round trip, plus the time to get things ready. A second vehicle would be great right about now, but we cannot afford much.

I'm holding up pretty well, but I am getting tired. I should be able to get rested up a bit through the week, but if Pete is out again this coming weekend, it will start all over. Rhonda is having a worse time than I am, and it's starting to show. She is tired all the time and it's beginning to show around the house and at work. I hope she can get rested up this week, too. I'm just going to have to find a way to get her a day off somehow, so that she can get a little down time. Last week she went over, so maybe i can run Matt over this week, if needed.

The weather has been crappy, to put it mildly. Rain and then more rain. It's been nice the last couple of days, with the rain ending Sunday and yesterday was very nice. Today it's looking like rain again, and it's feeling like a good storm is moving in. It was very hot and humid earlier, but it has cooled down considerably now. Even so, it's still dry out and there is some sunshine. All in all, not a bad day.

I should be out mowing, working in the garden, working on the house, or working on a vehicle, but with time so short, I just cannot get motivated. I should do a lot, I want to do some other things, and then there are others who just want some of my time. Not that I don't enjoy sharing it with them, but I get a bit frustrated when I want to do something and have to put it off to give up that time for them. Not their fault, but mine; I need to better manage my time.

One of the items at the top of my list of want to do's, is write something. I really want to get in here and do some reading and reviewing, too. Rhonda has been great in supporting me at work, and in here, but she needs to spend some time with her guy, just like he does with her. So, between work at the site, work from home, and trying to get some lovie-dovie time in with her, I just am not finding enough time to get in here. I'm really in need of some time off, but even then, there's such a demand for my time in multiple directions, that I doubt I will actually have any time off for me. It's knowing this that prompted me to suggest to Rhonda that when we get some time, we should pack up our camping gear and just vanish for a couple of days so we can have our time together.

Now, it's that time, I have to go get ready for work. I am going to work on a writing project that Rhonda requested, if it's not too busy tonight. I'm hoping to get some ideas on the poem she wants me to write, and maybe even get a start on the first draft. Tomorrow, I take her to work and then go give an interview, depending on how that goes will determine how much time I will have over the next few days to work on and hopefully finish her poem request. I'm kind of excited by this, I have never had anyone request anything. It will be a good exercise for me, and fun. Now, if I can just find the time.

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