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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/789201-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#789201 added August 19, 2013 at 4:34pm
Restrictions: None
What a messed up day. It started yesterday at work, when the person who was suppose to work today told me she was going to get celebrate and get drunk. She made a comment she would not be able to work, because of being hungover.

After she was off work, she posted in Facebook that she was already drinking and glad she was not driving. Then, at about 10:30 the phone's ringing. Nice, since I go to bed early and get up at 3:15 in the mornings. I don't get to the phone in time, but find a voice message telling me, "I can't work in the morning."

So, I will have to work for her, but it will put me into overtime. Therefore I get to work out a schedule change and try and get my hours back down some. This puts me close to midnight before I am back in bed. Of course, knowing that this is going to mess up everything, I can't get back to sleep anyway.

I had just told her that I intended to get a lot of work done on Monday, so I could have it all done by Wednesday and maybe, just maybe, I could actually have a day off. I haven't all summer, but I did manage to get this same person a day off when she asked for one. I also put in quite a few hours of adjusting and changing the schedule to fit her needs. In return, she burns me and I end up working an opening shift, then coming home and taking a power nap so I can go back and close tonight.

It also changed another person's hours and messed her up, and almost cancelled another person's day off. Why, so she could celebrate her new job she is leaving us for at the end of the month. Yep, she was celebrating a new job and an ending her position with us. I can't say it's a job, though, since she is just a volunteer for them. At the same time, she continued to tell me how she likes her job, and all this other BS, then pulls this.

Today I take my power nap and wake to my phone. She sent a message and woke me up to say she did not miss work to drink, she was up fighting with her husband. Oh, and she removed her post about drinking, so I guess that never happened now.

I had put a post in Facebook about having to pull a double shift as a result of Smirnoff, since that was what she had posted, and my son goes off on me for complaining about my job. He went on and on about how I was wrong on every level and had no right to post anything about it.

You would have to meet my son, he does nothing but post BS in Facebook all day long. His life is nothing but drama and problems, and of course, he is never at fault for anything that happens, but always a victim. I don't say anything, there his posts and his opinions, but he sure did rip me up.

My wife, in my defense and knowing how much my life has been disrupted and put on hold this summer do to people at work, told him to get a life. His reply is to call me an asshole for saying anything negative about work. Then, his friends jump in without any idea what the original post was and start in on me and my wife as well.

I just finally closed out Facebook, I got tired of getting my ass chewed out because my kid didn't like me complaining about working seven days a week and having to deal with people calling in because of drinking and other lame excuses. I wasn't even complaining about work, just having to cover for someone because they chose to get drunk and couldn't work the next day.

Even if they didn't get drunk and just could not work because they were fighting with their significant other, it's not a legitimate excuse and it still messes up everyone else. I don't know what the big deal was, I just needed to vent a little, and also wanted to let the person know I did not approve. How it had anything to do with my kid, I don't know. Why he went off on me, I don't know. I do know I'm tired, my week is already messed up, I'm in here now because I'll be going back to work in a short time, and I didn't like his calling me an asshole because I said something he did not agree with.

Isn't it amazing how one person can make a bad decision, and it starts a landslide of reactions that affect other people? This is not her first time she has posted something and then removed it thinking I did not see why she missed work or needed to have a day off. Like my kid, her life is nothing but drama, one thing after another. And like him also, a result of their own decisions and choices. Also like my kid, I really don't know what to believe and what is just a line of BS.

All I do know is someone has to be there to fill in, to keep things working, and to show people to the door when they can't do their job and be responsible to their position. It is funny, though. She wants to be a police officer, but can't even cut it as a security guard. She will quit her job at the end of the month, and then work for free. When it doesn't work out, and she realizes she made a bad choice, she will blame it on anything other than re own decisions, and like my kid, want everyone to sympathize with her because life is just what you make it.

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