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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/789479-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#789479 added August 22, 2013 at 6:27pm
Restrictions: None
It just does't want to end. This has been one of those summers I will remember for a long, long time. Not because it was so fun, or filled with so much excitement. No, just the opposite, it was work, all work, and nothing but work. Seven days a week, without a break. The few days I did have off were spent working from home, so not really a day off anyway.

Part of the reason is just short on help. Every time we hired someone, another would up and quit. Even that, however, wasn't the biggest problem. No, the problem stems from one person who just didn't want to work in the first place. She started out good, but had some limits on days and times she could work. Of course, it was just temporary, and would soon change.

That was the beginning of a summer of lies and deceit. Her hours did change, but not so she could work more, just so they would fit her needs. She wanted to work some mornings, so the schedule changed. But, she could not work any more hours, just different ones. Even so, it would have given me and my wife each a day off. Not together, me one day, her the next.

But, even as I set the schedule in motion, it changed. I can't work mornings until school starts. OK, then lets switch it back to the way it was. It did not allow for any time off, but not much could be done about that. It did leave me working one twelve hour day, but she was certain there was no way she could work that day.

Until she told someone that she was going to volunteer on that day, as well as not being able to work another day she was needed on. So in other words, Mondays she could not work. She could volunteer her time on Mondays, but not work. In the process, she would also not work on Fridays anymore, either. This meant I would work twelve hour shifts on both these days now.

I had to talk to her, after all, this is her job, she does have some responsibilities. Did she want to work or not. She said she did, and I thought it would get better now. Nope.

Instead, she gave me her notice that she would work until the end of this month, then quit to go work for nothing. Fine, if that is what she wants. I had some time to look for someone and start training. Things were set, we would be alright with her leaving, and I talked to her about the last day she would work, September 1st. She picked offered, and i accepted.

Then, shortly after this, she told me she was going to go drinking and celebrate her leaving us and working as a volunteer. She also added that she would be suffering a hangover and not work on Monday. I told her she couldn't take a day off for a hangover, and we did not have anyone to cover her shift.

Of course, she called that night and I had to work two shifts, open and close as a result. She has given me the silent treatment since. I don't know why, I did not push the issue, since she would be done with work in a couple of weeks. I just scheduled her hours through the end of the month, to the times and days she said she was available, and added just one other, September 1st, as she had offered. It would give me and Rhonda a day off together, while family is out here visiting.

That would be four days left for her to work between today and September 1st. Three days next week, and one the week after. But, will it work out? It's looking doubtful already. She sent a text to my cell phone stating she will not be able to work many days next week because she has stuff going on.

Not many? She is only working three days a week as it is. So, with the schedule already posted, she now decides she cannot work three days? The three days she picked and said she could? Unbelievable!

There isn't anything I can do differently, but yet I'm sure she will call and not be able to work. She said she would finish the month and work September 1st, but I think it was just a line of BS.

What it means for me is one more week of bull-shit and then she is gone. She can finish with some dignity and stick to what she agreed to, or she can reveal her true self by not sticking to her word. The choice is hers to make.

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