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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/794411-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#794411 added October 14, 2013 at 11:02pm
Restrictions: None
Guess what? Yep, it's late again; how did you guess? Even though it's getting late on me, it's been a pretty good day for the kind of day it's been.

You see, today had a few black marks against it right from the start. First of all, it's Monday. Not that it matters to me, Monday or Friday, they are all the same, but for many it's the end to the weekend and time to return to their jobs. Another black mark for this day is the weather, it's cold, windy, and very wet.

Now, this could be a plus for working on such a day, since no one would be out to buy building materials on a day like today, right. Seriously, your going to purchase one ridge cap and put in on the roof bright and early on a Monday morning with the wind gusting over thirty miles an hour and rain coming down like in the days of Noah. Or, your going to pick up that patio block and work on it this afternoon; so you can enjoy shoveling snow off of it until spring returns.

Nope, that's not how it goes at all. It's too wet, cold, and windy to do anything, so lets all go shopping for building materials you probably won't get any use out of this late in the year. Why? So they can sit out in the rain, get ruined and you can return them the next time the weather is this miserable. Oh, and while your're there, making someone work out in this crappy weather, you will sit in our snug warm SUV and gab about how cold and wet it is, and how it must be terrible to have to work on days like this. Then, after you have them soaked and shivering, tell them to stay warm and dry as you roll up the window and drive off.

But, that's OK. At least I don't mind, I'm dressed for the weather, enjoy my job and actually find it kind of funny seeing the kinds of things people are buying and hauling in the back of an open pickup or trailer in the rain. And you think I'm crazy for working on a day like this?

Yep, Monday, miserable weather, and work. Not looking up to being a very good day, is it? Yet, despite these things, it was a good day. First of all, I woke up, and that's always a great way to start the day. And, even though it's Monday, it's my Friday since I am off the next two days. Also, the cold and wet don't bother me, I dress for the weather and we do have a nice heater in the guardhouse. Also, I was done by noon, came home and started some stew cooking, then snuggled into my big ole bed under a pile of blankets and quilts and took me a nice warming nap.

After I got up, I finished the stew and then got busy with a few things online. By this time, Rhonda was home, wet and cold from working the second shift after me. But, in a few minutes she was out of her wet cloths, snuggled into some warm dry ones and we were enjoying a steamy bowl of homemade goodness. After, we snuggled under a soft fuzzy blanket and watched some Netflix, then it's on here for a few minutes and then off to bed.

Tomorrow we have some running to do, but not a lot. A little stop by work to talk to a couple of guards about winter clothing, then a little shopping -- no, not for building materials; we need to pick up a few food items. Then, it's off to Hayti to renew Rhonda's driver's license and back home. Back home to enjoy the day together, safe and snug while the wind blows, and the rain falls; perhaps a good day to play some games.

I know, not everyone who is out shopping on a day like today is crazy. Some of you have very good reasons, and some are working on inside projects and getting ahead on winter work. No, the ones I mention above are the grasshoppers and individuals that are unable to just stay home and enjoy the day.

The first, the grasshoppers are out to try and get things done, but by the time they start, they should have already been done. You do know the story of the ant and the grasshopper, don't you? If not, look it up, it's a simple little story with a big moral message. Yes, these are the people who just don't think ahead, and then they find themselves out of time and in a hurry to get done projects that should have been finished months ago.

Again, I know that there are times when life forces us to put things off and we end up in a similar situation. I'm not speaking of the people who would have liked to get the stuff done sooner but just couldn't. Nope, I speak of those who just were too lazy to get going, and now they are out of time and excuses, it's do or die.

Also, the second group. Again, sometimes it's nice to get out and shop or do something only because we have not had the time to do it and we refuse to let the weather stop us. Again, I don't speak of these people, but those who just can't have spare time because it's too boring. Think of the kids when they had so much to do, but they just sat in  the house and whined about being bored and not having anything to do. Yet they shoot down every suggestion you give. These are the people that can't spend time with self. They need something to stimulate them all the time. I really can't image life being so boring, but there are people who just can't handle having a half hour to just sit and think. Maybe, just maybe, the problem lies in the fact they no longer can think. Now, that's a thought.

Anyway, I find myself enjoying this quiet time. In fact, I have to have time for just me to be alone with me and my thoughts. It's when I'm alone that I can look inward, reflect, and recharge. Today, while enjoying some of this time with myself, I found a memory linked to the rain. A little boy and a little girl, neighbors and best friends sharing an innocent puppy love, singing in the rain, hand in hand, "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring...."

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/794411-Monday