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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#795241 added October 21, 2013 at 3:46pm
Restrictions: None
Look, at the time -- 2:19 p.m.

Not 12:19 or even 10:19 at night, but 2:19 in the afternoon. Early afternoon and I'm here, in WdC typing away in my journal. No, I'm not sick. No, it's not the end of the world as we know it. No, aliens did not invade and take over my body. This is still Earth, the year is 2013, unless you use a different calendar, and all is well and right.

The only thing different is I did not work today; I did not get up before time (3:00 a.m.) In fact, since I didn't have to work today, I didn't get up early at all. I had planned on getting up around eight this morning, and even set the alarm, but after a couple of snooze periods, I decided to reset the damn thing for a little bit later.

I got out of bed and went over to my computer. I have an alarm clock program on there I use all the time I found at, http://freealarmclocksoftware.com so, I clicked the edit button and reset the time I wanted my alarm to go off. Then, it was back into bed, snuggle into the sheets and up to Rhonda, and back into blissful slumber. Unfortunately I did not click OK after I reset the time, so the alarm never went off, and I slept in until I woke naturally. Not that I minded, it felt good to sleep in and I feel fully refreshed and rested.

I had a wonderful morning, Rhonda had gotten up a little before me, and soon she was coming in to wake me up, only I was already awake, just relaxing in the comfort of the bed. She must have been feeling pretty good this morning as well, because she slipped in at the foot of the bed, and by the time we got up, it was almost 11:00.

We headed in to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower together, then sat and had a little coffee and chatted about what ever came to mind. After, I made us some brunch with Rhonda assisting. We ate, and then fed our Golden Retrievers, the Bugoos. After, we had  another cup of coffee and a piece of birthday cake.

Yes, birthday cake. I made it yesterday after I got home from work, to surprise Rhonda when she got home from work. Today is her birthday, she turns thirty-two again. If your not married or if your under thirty, you may not understand this phenomena, but for us more aged and refined people, who have wonderful, beautiful wives who have also aged and refined quite well, there is the age-time portal.

When a woman reaches thirty-nine and then has another birthday, she does not turn forty. Instead she slips through a space-time continuum while she sleeps the night before, and emerges the next morning at her thirtieth birthday again. Then, every year she ages accordingly until she reaches thirty-nine, then it repeats again, and again, until someplace far down the line, when it suddenly reverses and she ages all those years quite rapidly. I think this is about ninety years after her birth, when time again catches up to her, but it may vary some with each individual woman.

So, anyway, today is Rhonda's birthday, and we are enjoying it, together. It's a beautiful day outside, a wonderful day inside, and the only unpleasant part of the whole day is my back is giving me some problems. It's been building up for a long time, but today it finally shifted and has me kind of bent out of shape and hurting some. Not bad, not enough to lessen the wonderfulness of this day, but enough to remind me I am not as young as this beautiful brunette I'm sharing life with.

Even so, I'l do my best to give her a run for the finish, making this trip we share through life one we will always cherish and remember.

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