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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#795540 added October 24, 2013 at 7:22pm
Restrictions: None
Up for work again and starting the day with a little writing. It's nice to have a few minutes to write first thing in the morning, only I don't have much to write about, since I haven't done anything except sleep. I could write about my dream, only I don't remember dreaming anything last night.

I used to dream all the time, but not anymore. I suppose I still dream all the time, or at least most of the time, I just don't remember the dreams very often anymore. Why is that? Maybe I'm sleeping sounder now, and that's why I don't remember them.

I know in the past, many of the dreams I remembered where nightmares. Not all of them, but a lot of the dreams I would remember were pretty wicked. the only other dreams I would remember were erotic dreams, and they were few and far between.

Now, the nightmares seem to have ended, or at least I don't remember them come morning. I believe they have ended, and that's why I don't remember them. I still have the erotic dreams once in a while and wake up remembering vividly the details and images. Once in a while I'll wake to remember part of a dream, something that doesn't make any sense, and usually has to do with work, not often, but once in a while.

Speaking of work, I better get out of here and get ready to go, or I'm going to be late.

OK, so I'm kind of late getting back in here. It's not my fault, I tell you. I got home and then got ready to log in, only first I needed to feed Mr. and Mrs. Bugoo, our dogs. Only Klarissa went and sat by the bed and gave me the look.

So, I helped her up on the bed and then got on the computer for a little while. Since she was up there resting, there wasn't any reason to disturb her to eat, so why not look up a couple of things, check my mail, etc....

Only, sitting here with my computer on my lap, I started to get oh, so tired. Then, looking up and seeing Klarissa looking so lonesome at me, I decided I could set my computer alarm and go lie down for just few minutes. I set the alarm, went to the bathroom to drain my bladder, and on my way back, reset the alarm a bit later, knowing I was tired and would not want to get up in a half an hour.

Then I snuggled into bed on Rhonda's side, since Klarissa and Hyko where both now occupying my side of the bed. I snuggled down into her pillow, filling my nostrils with her sweet scent, and just like that, I was asleep.

I woke to Roy Orbison singing "Only the Lonely" and lie there for a few minutes listening to the song while I remembered a little of a dream I had been having. Then, I tossed the blankets aside and got up, got myself a cup of instant coffee, and put a bowl of yesterdays homemade soup in the microwave to heat. It was steaming in a few minutes, and I sat down to eat while I browsed through some feeds on Facebook, and in MFP, after turning the alarm off.

Soon enough I was done eating, and as if on cue, Klarissa woke up and hopped down off the bed. She went and got herself a drink of water while I took my empty bowl to the sink. I made myself another cup of coffee, then slipped into some sweats and took both of the Bugoos outside to go potty.

When we came back in, Max came in with us. Max is short for Maximus Cattus, the name we hung on the Tomcat that showed up all beat last winter, in search of a home. He had taken up residence under our shed, and we kind of took him in. Only, being a Tomcat, and adapted to being an outdoor cat, he didn't do well inside. Or, perhaps he did just fine, we just didn't do well adjusting to his spraying and the smell.

Anyway, we set him up with his own pad out in the garage; Max's Pad. He comes in as he wants most of the time, and then he goes back out when he's ready, most of the time. The Bugoos are fine with him, but he tends to kind of terrorize them. Usually it's with snuggling and kitty-cuddles, but then again he can get a bit playful with them, and on a few occasions, a bit intimate.

Now, where was I? Oh yeah, back to my excuse for getting in here a bit late. I had my nap, woke to the alarm, ate a bowl of soup, took the dogs out to potty, Max joined us when we came in. Since he tends to terrorize the Bugoos, I knew it wasn't a good time to feed them, but I thought I had plenty of time yet this afternoon.

I came in here, ready to log into WdC and check out a few things, after writing this. I looked at the clock and I'm sure my eyes popped at least a little out of my head when I seen the time. Now, I had woke to the alarm, and it was set set for three this afternoon. That would have been almost two hours napping. Instead, I was looking at the digital display declaring it was after five.

What happened? That's more than two hours later than what the alarm was set for; I slept four hours, and through the alarm? Unbelievable!

So much for a couple of hours to enjoy reading, writing and.... No not arithmetic, reviewing. I am still going to look into a few things, but I have little time left.

I also wrote about the napping problem yesterday, and how it gets me out of sync. So, I set the alarm, I carefully considered how long I would let myself sleep, so that I could still sleep tonight, and what happens? I sleep right through the alarm. I guess I was tired and needed the sleep. But, four hours!

At least during my sojourn into Never-Neverland, as in Metallica's Enter Sandman, I had a dream. That kind of ties in with the beginning of this entry from this morning, talking about dreams. This was no nightmare, but fit the other type of dream I mentioned.

I don't remember very much of the dream, but I do remember the gal in it. I don't know who she is, but she was pretty. A younger woman, in her twenties I guess, long dark hair and big eyes. I don't know what she was doing, but I do remember telling her she couldn't be here dressed like that. I don't even remember where I was, but she was there, she had come in through the door, and was wearing a very short sundress with a very low cut neckline.

She looked at me with those big eyes, smiled, and with a slight tug on the strap, untied it and the dress fell to the floor. Without looking away, she stepped free of it and right up in front of me. Looking me right in the eyes, she smiled even bigger and asked, "Is this more to your liking?"

I looked from her eyes down to her feet, then back up into those very hypnotic eyes, but could not speak. I could feel the warmth of her very nude body standing so very close to me, and that, my friends is when I woke to Roy singing, Only the Lonely. That seems to be how it always goes, too. The dream get's to a very interesting part and that's when I wake up.

A group of cats is referred to as a "clowder" or a "glaring"

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