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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1956638
NaNoWriMo 2013
#796610 added November 29, 2013 at 11:00am
Restrictions: None
NaNoWriMo Day 12: Chapter 12 - Grandma Hattie's Silver
Chapter 12: Amity
And Grandma Hattie's Antique Silver

Amity opened the china closet and removed the box containing Grandma Hattie's antique silver. Carrying the box to the dining table she opened it and began to count the soup spoons. Next she counted the teaspoons and then the knives. She frowned and then recounted those items once she was sure of the number she began counting the forks. After finish the first count of the forks she recounted them again.

"The is no question," she whispered. "Some of the spoons are missing, but what could have happened to them." She continued to grumble as she placed the items back into the box and closed it. She took the silver back to the closet and removed the box containing the silver serving sit. She placed the box on the table and then opened it.

"Damn," she cried. "The cake knife is missing." She went back to the china closet and looked on the shelf where the box usually set, when she did not find it there she checked the other shelves, but found nothing.

"I have to put a stop to this theft," she closed the door and went back to the table. "I don't understand how Dolly could have gotten into the house. I always lock all the doors and windows before I leave... The bitch must have a key!" She closed the box and carried it with her into the living room, where she placed it on the coffee table. Then she went to the desk by the picture window, opened the telephone book and looked up locksmith's.

Dialing the number to Turner Locks and Keys, she waited for someone to answer. "This is Mrs. Stupe and I'd like the locks to the front and back doors rekeyed."

"I'd like you to send Jonas Turner or one of his sons."

"Yes, his son-in-law will be fine."

"In an hour, yes that fine."

"Please put in on my bill and I will pay it at the end of the month."

After hanging up the phone, she went back to the coffee table and looked around the room. "Where am I going to hide these things, I know that Dolly will sneak into the house while the locksmith is here and try to steal them."

Picking up the box, she went back to the desk and opened the bottom drawer. Removing everything from the drawer, she put the box containing the serving set in, then she replaced the contents of the drawer making sure that they covered the box. After that she closed the drawer and opened to top drawer. Removing the desk key she locked the bottom draw and stuck the key under the computer keyboard. "That should stop Dolly from stealing any more of the serving set." Her brow winkled, "Now what do I do with the rest of the silver."

Going back in the dining room, she removed the box containing the silver place setting. This time she walked down the hall to the linen closet. Opening the door, she leaned down and shoved the box of silver under the table cloths and bedspreads that were on that shelf. She closed the door and went back into the living room. There she sit down on the couch, picked up the remote and turned on the television. She began to channel surf as she waited for the locksmith.

"Well," she sighed, "there's nothing on. I may as well take a nap." At that moment the doorbell ring, "Now who could that be?" She got up and answered the door.

"Mr. Carter," she smiled at the locksmith. "What brings you here today?"

"Mrs. Shupe," he s returned her smile. "You called an hour ago and ask to have the locks rekeyed on the front and backdoor. Don't you remember?"

She frowned, she didn't want him to think that she had forgotten. "Yes," she laughed, "I was watching television and didn't notice the passage of time. Please come in, Mr. Carter."

"Shall I do the backdoor first?"

"Yes, please. I'll be in the living room just let me know when you're finished."

Going back into the living room she sit down on the couch and started to turn on television again, but decided to read instead. She picked up the Better Homes and Gardens magazine laying on the coffee table and opened it to an article on alarm systems. "Well," she said, "perhaps I need an alarm system; maybe that will keep Dolly out of this house. At least, it should." She sighed and put the magazine back on the coffee table. Getting up, she started for the desk when Mr. Carter interrupted her.

"Mrs. Shupe," he said coming into the living room. "I rekeyed both locks, with different colored keys and doorknobs. Would you like to see the doorknobs?"

"Do they match my decore?"

"Yes," he laughed, "they match the dicore." He frowned, "Mrs. Shupe, I know that you wanted me to rekey the doors, but..."

"You put new doorknobs on as well."

"Yes, Mama, you see..."

"I know I needed new doorknob and I assure you that it's alright with me. You always do a good job."

"Thank you," he smiled, "can you sign her please."

"Of course," she signed the work order. "Mr. Carter, does Turner Lock and Key sell alarm systems?"

"Yes, Mama, would you like some information?" He handed her her copy of t he work order."

"I'd like to have an alarm system installed, as soon as possible."

"Well, Mrs. Shupe," his brow wrinkled, "we're booked up until after Thanksgiving. I'm not sure we could get it done sooner, if you need it immediately I can reckamend someone."

"No, I'd rather have your company do it. I'll wait until after Thanksgiving." She looked down at the keys he handed her and frowned.

"The gold key goes to the front door and the silver to the other door."

"That is nice," she followed him to the front door and let him out. Then she put the gold key on the unicorn key chain hanging by the door, but she did not remove the old key. Next she walked to the back door and did the same thing with the dragon key chain hanging on hooks by that door.

"Well, its been a long day." She walked slowly down the hall to her bedroom. "I think I'll take a nap before someone else decides to call.

In the bedroom, she turned the covers down and then removed a pink nightgown from the closet. Placing the gown over her left arm she went into the bathroom, turned on the water, and poured some lavandor scented bubble under the running water. Then she undressed, got into the tub and looked around for a washcloth. "I know there was a washcloth her five minutes ago," with a sigh she carefully got out of the tub, dried herself off, put the nightgown on, and went to bed.

As she lay there, staring at the ceiling the telephone ring. Reaching over to the night stand, she turned on the light and then picked up the receiver. "Amity Coffey-Shupe speaking."

"Oh, Ethan, it's nice to hear from you."

"Yes, the spare bedrooms are empty this Thanksgiving."

"You're going to be her with a guest."

"I would love to meet your new girl friend. Are you planning on marrying her?"

"I ask because you usually don't bring your girl friends to meet me. I don't think you've every brought one here on Thanksgiving or any other holiday."

"Then you are planning to get married." She smiled, "It's about time one of my children got married, I hope you're planning on giving me some grandchildren."

"How many kids does she want?'

"Three or four is a nice number, as long as you can afford that many children."

"Yes, your friend can bring her cats. You know I love animals."

"What's her name?"

"Oh, that right, you just told me her name was Alice?"

"Now all your sister has to do is get married and give me grandchildren. I'd accept grandchildren even if she wasn't married. After all, who am I go condemn someone for doing the same thing I did when I was her age."

"Yes, Ethan, I'm find. I was just going to bed... I mean taking a nap."

"Be sure to let Daniella know you will be here for Thanksgiving instead of Christmas?"

"Well, I..." she frowned, "Yes, I believe I did talk to her, but I don't remember her saying she would be here Thanksgiving instead of Christmas."

"If you must know," she was beginning to get irritated. "We discussed your Aunt Dolly's tendency to steal Grandma Hattie's silver."

"Yes, I know Dolly was pissed when Grandma Hattie left that set to your father and me, but that's beside the point. Grandma Hattie intended for you to have the silver and not that snobbish granddaughter."

"Ethan, that silver is passed to the oldest son in each generation."

"Ethan, you Aunt Dolly has been upset with your father ever since our wedding. Why do you know what Dolly did on our wedding day?"

"That... That rude snobbish bitch actually stood up in church and said she knew a reason why Larry and I shouldn't get married. If it weren't for your Uncle Rodger and Grandma Hattie's husband dragging her out there is no telling what she would have said. Fortunitly, Reverend Jones just thought that Dolly was drunk and didn't know what she was doing."

"Well, if she was she never got drunk in public again."

"Then when your Grandma Hattie died, Dolly rouned her funeral. However, you're Rodger and your father made sure that there was a memorial gather after the funeral and the proper obituary printed in the paper."

"Which reminds me, I have a copy of my will in a safety deposit box at Bank of America here in Blackwell."

"What do you mean, do I have a directive on file at the hospital."

"Oh, no that's on file with my lawyer."

"Look, Ethan, I'm getting a bit tired. It's been a long day what with dealing with Dolly and trying to find the silver she stole."

"Yes, Ethan, I'm sure she stole some of the silver desert spoons and soup spoons."

"No, I didn't see her. I didn't have to see her take them because every time she enters this house, she takes one or two piece of silver."

"It's been going on for several months now."

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