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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/797277-Saturday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#797277 added November 9, 2013 at 10:19pm
Restrictions: None
It's quarter to four -- in the morning. I always forget there's a time difference between South Dakota and WdC. I've been getting up at three in the morning for work all summer, except Sundays, when I get to sleep in until six. So, up until recently, that's been every morning, Sunday's excluded, six days a week.

Once again I have a full crew, so the seven day work week has come to an end with no regrets. Most weeks I now work five days out of seven, with one Saturday off a month. I still work every Sunday, though. I don't mind so much, but then again, I wouldn't feel any sorrow at getting a weekend off here and there.

For now, it's Monday and Tuesday off one week of the two week period, then the following week it's Tuesday and Wednesday off. This just repeats through the month, except for the one Saturday I take off each month. Today is not that Saturday, it's Rhonda's Saturday off. Mine will come two weeks from today.

So, today I work, tomorrow I work but get to sleep in. Then Monday would be my last day before two off, but I took some vacation time and have it off, I have Tuesday and Wednesday off, as well, and I also took Thursday off. Yes, after tomorrow, I don't work again until Friday.

Do you know what that means? Uh-huh, this last week has dragged by especially the last few day, extremely slow. It seems like it's taking forever for Sunday to come, and end. I am so beat, I find it harder and harder to drag my butt out of bed each morning. Add to this the stiffness and soreness I'm feeling from writing for NaNo and it's, well, I'm physically exhausted, sore, and feel like I could sleep for a week.

At least today I get done a little bit earlier. Only a half hour, but it makes a big difference. Rhonda is off today, but she is riding in with me, and will come and get me after work, so we can do a little bit of shopping. Then it's home and hopefully write in my novel. If I'm too tired, it will be a nap first, if not, maybe later.

Then, Sunday I get to sleep in, but it's going to be a long day, Sundays usually are. I won't get home till mid afternoon, but should be less tired since I slept in. I'll write some more in my novel, that's a daily task for now, and then it's four days off to relax, get a little work done around the place, and a lot of work done in my novel. I just know, it's going to fly by. for every second of time that has slowed before, two will speed up after. That's just simple relativity.

Hey look at this, I'm back in again. Only for a couple of minutes then it's off to watch a little tv and then bed. I took a break today from writing, as recommended in my email from the NaNo site itself. Of course, they said to do this yesterday, but I had a lot going on and it would not have been a nice break for me. So, today I get done work early, go shopping with Rhonda, and then we get the rest of the day together; a better day to take a break

Tomorrow it's back to it, and hopefully I will surpass my quota enough to make up for today. But even if I don't, I'm way ahead on my schedule and can afford this day off. Also, I have four day's off coming up next week to really get some writing in.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/797277-Saturday