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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/798612-Sunday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#798612 added November 24, 2013 at 8:13pm
Restrictions: None
Up for work and just about time to head out. It's nice to sleep in a bit on Sundays, but it tends to be a long day, since I work until mid afternoon and it's been one of the busiest days. Hopefully it returns to normal soon.

It's nice to have a decent nights rest, too. I may have only gotten about seven hours, but it feels like a lot more. That should help the day go by better, too. Now, if that insurance adjuster would just get his butt out here so we could find out some news for the van, things would be looking up a bit.

I have about an hour before I have to go get Rhonda. it does suck to be down to one vehicle again, but there's not much we can do about right now. Even though it puts a big damper on my time, and I have to watch the clock to ensure I make it in to get her, I managed to set my troubles aside and accomplish some writing.

I had my novel for NaNo done, but wanted to add an introduction, dedication, and an epilogue. I was thinking of doing this when I started editing but today I decided to get it done. I still have time before the month end deadline, so why not?

It was kind of difficult to get going; so much demanding my thoughts with the accident and problems from that. I also received a notice of resignation from one of my new hires, and will be short on help again in a couple weeks if I cannot get another hired and trained by then. So much for a couple of days off each week, at least for a while. Oh well, it's more money, and that's needed now, too.

Let's see, where was I? Ah yes. I was at work, and decided to work on the intro, dedication, and epilogue after work. Rhonda came in, and I talked to her for a couple minutes, then left to get things going. But, I didn't make it far before getting stopped by a couple of the yard guys who needed to blow off some steam. We talked for a while, I don't like to be rude to these guys, they work hard and seldom get anyone who understands things from their perspective. But, eventually I had to excuse myself so i could get clocked out. I was now running a half hour late getting out of there. I also had to talk with store management about the Friday after Thanksgiving and what times they requested coverage.

So, forty five minutes late, I get in the Jimmy and begin my drive home. But I need gas, so I stop and fill up. Then, finally, I'm homeward bound. Halfway Klarissa begins her pacing, climbing all over, and barking. She's old, nothing but skin and bone, and has very little voice left. She suffers hip problems, and does not get around well at all.

This means she could easily be injured if she falls, and her trying to move around in a moving vehicle is just looking for trouble. Also, in trying to keep an eye on her, as well as her trying to get petted, on my lap, and just bumping into me, I could easily loose control.

It's a long ride home, but we make it, just like every other day. Once home, I start my dinner heating, and try to get set up for some writing. But Klarissa will have none of it. She wants me to be right there by her. Finally I have dinner ready and enjoy a little peace and quiet while I eat. Then I feed both Golden Retrieves, and set down to write. Only all night long, Klarissa keeps up her barking. Like a little kid who is demanding attention, she insists on "yelling" for me to cover her up, pet her, sit by her, and who knows what else.

In spite of all this, I did manage to get my task done. And between running and caring for my elderly friend, I managed to get this done, too. I hope this is not an indicator of the night to come, but after being kept awake by her perpetual barking the last few nights, I suppose it is. She does not bark loud, it comes as a whisper. But, it's dry and raspy, and she barely gets it out sometimes. I feel for her, but just wish I had some way of knowing what she's asking of me. All I can do is try and figure out what she needs, a blanket, a pillow for her head, water, or to go outside. Sometimes it's just to have me touch her and reassure her I'm right there.

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