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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#798797 added November 27, 2013 at 7:05pm
Restrictions: None
If “I” like Your Plan, You Can Keep It
In case you aren’t following the news or are listening instead to the Mainstream Media, be advised that the Affordable Health Care Act is imploding because it is “Unaffordable.”

This is what is happening. Citizens who were forced to insure themselves are having their policies cancelled. The reason the insurance companies are giving is because these plans are “Substandard” and illegal under Obama Care. Here’s the deal.

Many American Families, who are young to middle aged, who live a healthy lifestyle, have opted for, the figurative, Sixty-Eight percent plan. This is the least expensive of the plans on the market and meets their needs in almost all cases. The exceptions come when there is some sort of long term debilitating injury or disease. The owners of these plans choose to take that risk. The insurance companies and the government hate these plans for different reasons. The insurance companies don’t like them because they aren’t moneymakers and when something really bad happens to the occasional policyholder, companies are cast in the role of the bad guy and have to point out some of the fine print in the policy. For most, however, in the young to middle-aged bracket these plans serve a basic need, work fine and are affordable.

Now along comes The “Unaffordable” Healthcare Act . In order to give everyone the figurative Ninety-Five percent plan, the Government has classified as “Substandard” all these Sixty-Eight percent plans. The insurance companies are taken off the hook as having to market and live with them and citizens who self-insure are forced into buying new plans designed to extend coverage to everyone. Now think about it. If this is the scheme that trashes the Sixty-Eight Percent plans and now requires the Ninety-Five percent plan, how is this new plan going to be more affordable than the old plan? It isn’t and there’s more. By requiring the working middle class to pay for the uninsured, the cost escalates, and when the requirement is extended to pick up the tab on the elderly and those with preexisting conditions, they skyrocket. No wonder that the cost of premiums for working class self-insuring citizens has doubled.

“Why is it,” the young and middle aged workers ask, “that I have to pay for the health care coverage of welfare recipients and old people, not to mention all the additional costs tacked on by Planned Parenthood?”

Keep in mind now that these self-insured citizens are only 5%, the veritable tip of the iceberg. What’s going to happen when the insurance plans of the corporate, union and public service sectors come up on the block? If you think there is disenchantment now, wait a year or two and see what happens. What is happening now to the self-insuring citizen is a scenario soon to be visited on everyone.

How could a government have been stupid enough to put themselves behind this Health Care eight ball? The unintended consequences of what they have done are only now beginning to dawn on Democratic Lawmakers. In the immortal words of the House Majority Leader (at the time), “We have to pass the law in order to see what’s in it.” Well at last the realization is dawning on taxpayers what was passed and what these prophetic words really mean. The absurdity of what she said is only eclipsed by those of our Chief Executive who reiterated over and over again, “If you like your Health Care Plan, you can keep it.”

How can a citizen keep a plan if it has been declared Substandard, gets cancelled by the Insurance Company and the new plan costs twice as much as the old one did? How can anybody with two marbles defend the logic of this absurd Political rhetoric?

Wait a minute! I get it now. *Bigsmile* What the President meant to say was, “…. if “I” like your plan you can keep it.”

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