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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#799129 added December 10, 2013 at 11:03pm
Restrictions: None
Barney Google, with those Goo-Googly Eyes.
This blog brings us to what Old Money fears most. This is the American Middle Class (AMC). The world beyond our shores looks at the AMC and turns green with envy. They compare their socialism with the prosperity in the United States and can’t figure out why they can’t have the same standard of living. Look at Greece, Spain, Portugal and the list goes on. Canada, France and Germany do a bit better but they are much further down the Socialist track. As communications expand and people see more clearly the differences many of those who can, apply for a visa, or pour illegally across our borders to have a chance at the American Dream, which is still not totally out of reach.

The Mexicans take migrant jobs. If you want to know what work is go pick vegetables for a summer. Once they get a toe hold they find employment in the construction industry which once thrived until the Government decided to trash the home market by allowing anybody to borrow far in excess of their means. That crash and the recession was a fiasco that Republican legislators warned would happen if we decided to head down that road. If you recall it was a lesson in Socialism that should have been a wake up call for the Americans. Now we have the health care debacle warming up and the tsunami of that disastrous miscalculation has yet to break upon our shores.

If you don't remember how the housing market collapsed in the US it was because of two factors. First the cost of a new home exceeded the value. Costs kept going up, up, up and value just couldn’t keep pace. Then the Democrats pushed through a scheme that would have gotten anybody but a politician locked up for fraud. They passed legislation that allowed people without the means to buy a home that was totally beyond their income. Homeowners suddenly became speculators and saw an opportunity to make a windfall profit. Everybody started buying homes.

“How could they do this,” you might ask? “Weren’t the Banks screening the loans?” The answer is NO! The Socialists turned ACORN loose and threatened the banking industry that if they didn’t start rubber-stamping they would face picket lines. “What are you worried about?” the Liberals demanded. “Are you afraid to give Blacks a piece of the American Dream? Just grant the loan and Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac will buy it up. You’ll get your money.” The rest is history. The Housing Market collapsed and even President Clinton remarked afterwards…”I guess the Republicans had it right on that one.”

So now we have Obama Care looming over us and getting ready to go viral. This is going to cause an even greater disaster than the Housing Market. Old Money is behind all this and their purpose is to bring the standard of living for the American middle class more in line with the rest of the world. They are willing to let the economy implode if that’s what it takes to get them there. Don’t you see? They want to make Capitalism fail thinking that will make Socialism easier to swallow.

Keep in mind that during the Great Depression Old Money was not the class that really suffered. They had the money to ride it out. They still do. In the tax exempt instruments they control is more money than they’ll ever need. The brunt of the pain and anguish will once again be felt by the Middle and Lower classes. This will push down the standard of living in the United States and align it more with the rest of the world.

Enter the New World Order, led by Old Money under the guise of Neo Socialism/Liberalism. You can see the ticker of the National Debt running on Fox News. The red numbers fly by at the speed of light. There are at least six (6) natural forces at work here. They are inflation, borrowing, printing currency, selling gold, social welfare, and joblessness. When a combination of these being used to to excess will cause the economy to spiral into depression is anyone's guess.

Chairman Bernanke is the one eyed man in the land of the blind. He keeps prescribing remedies like chemo and drugs to a terminal cancer patient. He manages to keep the economy going on life support but it is gasping and sputtering for air. Pressure is building as Uncle Sam's eyes bulge, he grabs his throat and his face takes on the visage of Barney Google.

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