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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#799426 added December 8, 2013 at 11:03am
Restrictions: None
Bringing Low the Bronze Masses
The Israelis should have a national holiday that borders right up there with Hanukkah. It should be called LEON URIS Day. I don’t think the “Children of Israel” realize what a jewel they had in that guy. As a young man I read all his books, Exodus, Mila 18 and there might have been some others I’ve forgotten.

His writing was able to instill in the American Middle Class sympathy for the plight of Israelis that extends from almost the dawn of recorded time right up until the present. The Government of the State of Israel has continued through foundations like Simon Wiesenthal to support a greater awareness but none have had the powerful effect of Mr. Uris’s books.

The American Middle Class, as a consequence, remains a true friend of Israel, cheering them on as the underdog in the Middle Eastern struggle. Please note that I said the American Middle Class and not the Neo-Socialists who are often referred to as Liberals and pull the strings in the Democratic Party.

These Liberals are a bunch of Potty Mouths as anyone who follows the news can attest. They attack those who fail to support their world view that paints Neo-Socialism as new enlightened management. These new managers are not exactly what I would term Champions of Zion. If you look at the filth that spews from their mouths you see numerous and ongoing examples such as those I mentioned in a recent blog. To recap, commentators on MSNBC, a propaganda tool for the Neo Aristocrats, recently called for someone to “…. defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth," and referred to a news man as a “Cocksucker.” These comments came in the span of less than a week and I use them to show how typical this brand of smear journalism is becoming. For the mainstream media it has become the weapon of choice. Now if you think about it, ask this question. If they want someone to “Defecate in Governor Palin’s mouth,” and use the pejorative term “Cocksucker,” to stereotype gays and lesbians how do you suppose they talk about Jews in private? Like I have said, on occasions too numerous to count, Old Money, whether it is Old World or headquartered in the United States, is no friend of Judaism. Why then do Jews in this country flock to vote for the Democrats? For heavens sake the Jews brought science to Capitalism and used the opportunities it offered to get them through some rough times… Why do they flock to support a bunch of wannaby aristocrats who hold them in such contempt?

Maybe they’re afraid the Liberals will conjure up the specter of persecutions past and start calling them bad names... or worse. The Liberals are certainly capable of such tactics and the first thing they always do with those who oppose their view is pinning the mask of evil on their faces, or in this case smearing it inside someone's mouth. They would probably have everybody in the middle class wearing a Bigot Badge if they thought they could get away with it. So why is it then that Jewish interests sit meekly by while the Neo Socialists and American Middle Class duke it out?

I'm amazed at how our Chief Executive framed the problem in his current effort to take the spotlight off his failed health care law. The president is currently referring to the center of gravity as the gap between the poor and the middle class. Is this a sly strategy or what? He defines the class warfare as between low and middle income Americans rather than the struggle between the poor and the Liberals, who control most of the world’s wealth. Evil is defined as the Middle Class and that is the font from which all this “Redistribution” is planned to flow. No suggestion is made of the wealth in trusts, off shore accounts, charities, and other tax shelters that protect the vast wealth of the Old Money Interests. No Indeed! The redistribution is to come from the middle class and be given to the poor in order to solve the inequity between the bottom two rungs… What a magnanimous bunch those Potty Mouths are. Their plan is to redistribute the pittance between the bottom two rungs on the hierarchy. Take the money from the dumb taxpayers and give it to the poor. HELLO! is anybody awake out there. How about some serious TAX REFORM that starts with closing the tax shelters, and loopholes of the super rich. That’s a real joke. Any suggestion of closing down these shelters will only lead to screaming, gnashing of teeth and the muttering of vile expletives aimed at the bronze masses, those classes the Sterling Liberals want to bring low.

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