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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1966761
Malcolm's story
#800033 added January 10, 2014 at 12:57pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 8
Malcolm sat down to lunch at the long bench that ran the length of the hall.

“Where’ve you been?” Said a boy sat across the table.

“What’d you mean?”

“Well, it’s like you haven’t been around, but I know you have, cos there’s nowhere to go.”

“Oh, you know, just keeping my head down.”

“Don’t blame you; I’d keep a low profile if I’d punched out a fifth year.”

Malcolm felt a nudge in his back. “OK if I sit here?” He looked back and saw a tubby boy with glasses and pale complexion.

“Alright Evans, yeah, help yourself.”

Evans sat down, picked up a fork full of peas and shovelled them into his mouth. “Bloody hell, old Mr Bavis was going off on one in history,” he said, spitting a pea across the table.

“Yeah, what about this time?” said Malcolm

Evans swallowed his peas. “Bloody immigrants this and the country’s going to rack and ruin that, I couldn’t believe it, he stopped short of saying coons or wogs, but he wasn’t far off. My mum says we shouldn’t blame the country’s problems on a small group of people.”

“Where do you live?”


“Thought so, you’ve not seen it have you?”


“Take trip to Southall, or down to Brixton, go there and have look, it might change your mind.”

“You agreeing with Bavis?”

“I’m just saying, you don’t know what it’s like, I’ve lived there and seen places change. You lot come from a different world, there’s no coons in middle England.” Malcolm stabbed a sausage with his fork and brought it to his mouth to bite the end off. As he chewed the cheap spiced pork he heard his father’s voice ‘There’s no coons in Middle England, that’s where our voters are.’

“The only times I’ve been really scared were when I’ve had run-ins with blacks, they targeted me cos I was white,” said Malcolm

“What, you’ve been mugged?”

“Yeah, twice, once after school and once on the tube.”

“Bloody hell, yeah but they mug blacks as well…I’ve seen it on the news.”

“Yeah, but not in the same way…”

“Shit Malcolm, didn’t have you down as a racist.”

“I’m not, I just saw what I saw that’s all, I don’t hate Clive or that Asian fella in class C, if I was racist I’d tar them with the same brush wouldn’t I? But I don’t.”

Malcolm stood up and grabbed his tray. “You coming, class starts in half an hour, it’s a twenty minute walk over there.”

“Year, you go, I’ll finish my dinner.”

Malcolm sat down, “It’s ok, I’ll wait.”

“Don’t want to run into Robson and his lot ah?” Said the boy sat across the bench.

Malcolm kept quiet.

“So, what’s it like having two girls fighting over you Malcolm you lucky bastard?

“What?” Said Malcolm

“Don’t tell me you haven’t heard?”

“He’s been keeping a low profile hasn’t he.”

“Yeah, but…”

“What you going on about?”

“Well sounds like you’ve got a bit of a fan club over St Marys, two of the girls had a punch up over you…”

“That’ll teach you for be so good looking wont it.”

“Not jealous are you Evans?”

“Piss off, I’ve got a girlfriend.”

“No, I meant of the girls, got a bit of a soft spot for our good looking friend here haven’t you?”

“Piss off I’m no faggot, not like you, you bender.”

“Bloody hell, first I’ve heard of it, perhaps I’d better have a trip over there?” Said Malcolm.

“I wouldn’t unless you punch in the face from Munch, can’t go over there without his say so.” Evans wiped a slice of bread around his plate and shovelled it in his face. “Come on then, we better get a move on.”

“Yeah, I heard Munch has got his eye on you.”

“Oh yeah, why’s that then?”

“Shit Malcolm, where’ve you been, the rumour is, he’s pissed off cos of what you did to Robson, he’s his best mate isn’t he, and he reckons you’re after the head boys job.”

“Oh great, why would I want the head boy’s job?”

“I don’t bloody know, he’s a twat.”

They picked up their trays and Malcolm followed the boys over to the bins. He stood behind Evans as he pushed the scraps off his plate into a large plastic container. A group of fifth years looked over.

Evans turned his head away and whispered. “Shit Malcolm, they’re looking over.”

Malcolm puffed his chest out and stood tall. “Fuck em,” he said.

“Oi, Wright.” said one of them.

Malcolm looked over.

“Munch wants to see you later, out by the dorms… after the bell.”

“What for?”

“Says you’re getting too big for your boots, you better be there, you know what happens if you’re not.”

Malcolm shrugged, but kept quiet. He followed his friends out into the corridor.

“Shit Malcolm, what you gonna do?” Evans said.

“Not much I can do is there; I’ll have to sort the fucker out won’t I.”

“You’re a braver man than me.”

“That’s not hard is it…” Malcolm said laughing.

“Piss off.” Said Evans

The boys walked to the next lesson; Evans talked all the way but Malcolm didn’t hear a word. The story of David and Goliath came to his mind. He didn’t believe any of it, but the story was good and he couldn’t help but see the similarity between him and David. What would he be thinking as he stepped out to face the man mountain Goliath with nothing more than a sling shot. But he didn’t even have that, how the hell was he going to beat Munch, what had he done?

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