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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/800372-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#800372 added December 16, 2013 at 5:06pm
Restrictions: None
Getting in here a little earlier today. Alright, make that a lot earlier than normal. It's kind of funny, in a way. I was doing pretty good at getting in here earlier for a while, but then lost it again.

I was barely making it in here and even missing a few days as a result, but then I set a goal and did pretty good at sticking to the plan. Then NaNo month came and I started writing my novel. I still did pretty good at keeping up my journaling and even getting in here early. Of course there were a few days when things came up, and if I remember, I completely spaced writing here a couple times.

Then Klarissa took a turn for the worse and everything became discombobulated. Now, it's time to get things back on track and push on. It's difficult, she was a big part of my life for twelve years. Seldom a day went by without interacting with her. In fact, out of twelve years, there was maybe five to seven days we did not spend at least part of the day together.

Today, things are going a little better. It's nice out, almost thawing, no wind to speak of, and I didn't have to work. I took Hyko and Hanna out for some romping in the snow, and they did pretty good. Hyko does great, he loves to play Frisbee, but Hanna hasn't figured it out yet. She shows zero interest in a Frisbee, but did run and get the duck a few times; maybe half a dozen.

I have to keep her on a lead line, since she is still learning some obedience and loves to chase little animals. But, I had her with plenty of line so she could run a bit and stretch her legs. The duck is a canvas stuffed toy with a rope attached to it. She has one wing and the bill chewed off, because she likes playing with it. I threw it and she would run and get it, bring it back, and with a little coaxing, give it to me.

After, we did some walking around the yard and then after they both pottied, we returned to the house and here I am, getting my journal entry in with Mr. Hyko lying at me feet and Miss Hanna curled up in the chair beside me. It's just like it was before Klarissa got old and couldn't play anymore.

Oh, she would try, and she would go get her Frisbee or ball a couple of times. Of course I didn't throw it far, and two or three times was it for her. Hyko would be chasing down his Frisbee and even catching it most times while I took my time with Klarissa. This way he would be tuckered out when she was, and they would both be ready to come in.

Then, they would carry their toys in, then give them up so we could clean them and put them away. After they gave them up, we would give them each a treat and they would get a drink of water, then come in and lie by us. If it was just me, Hyko would be at my feet and Klarissa would be in the chair next to me. Just like today.

Well, I have lots to do yet, I want to put a copy of my novel in here and I need to make some chili, then do up the dishes. I want to copy my novel from NaNo in here, unedited, so that I can look at my accomplishment and see that I did it. It will also be my reminder to write and get the story done before editing it. Since it was both my first novel and my first attempt at NaNo, I want to keep a copy as is, as well as editing a copy.

Now, it's off to make some Chili, then do up my dishes and maybe get some of my novel copied over.

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