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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/805191-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#805191 added January 30, 2014 at 7:12pm
Restrictions: None
I'm writing in 750 words again tonight, only because it's kind of a nice blank page to write on with no distractions and I kind of like to see the stats after I get done. Who knows, when I get more time, I may just start using this site for my journal writing again every day. Of course, I would still be copying and pasting the entry over to WdC and keeping it open for others to read. Not that I often have much to write that anyone really would care to read, but on occasion I do write something and get comments from readers.

Speaking of comments, I need to do some reading in WdC, in some journals and just random items. I enjoy reading some of the journals and need to start leaving some comments there, and I enjoy reading and reviewing other members, too. I did read a few items today, but being so tired and run down, I just did not have clear enough thinking to write a good review. I put a lot of thought into my reviews, trying to be honest, helpful, and positive. I want the person to feel good after reading my reviews, even if the item has a lot of areas that need corrections and change. It's like the old saying goes, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

Sure, it's great to edit through and find errors that need fixing, but that's kind of superficial if that's all the review gives; at least that's my opinion. I think a review should give insight into the item itself, is it good or not. Not subject wise, we all have different tastes, and not how well the composition is, since we all have our own way of doing things. Of course, if the subject is lost or out of context, it should be pointed out, and there are certain rules to composing an item that must be followed, or it would never be understandable. These are just a part of editing, fixing mechanical and structural areas.

But what I think is even more important, is the item itself, what has been poured out into it. Is it something that provokes thought or emotion, does it captivate and set one's mind along a course of thought? Is it something that reflects on the effort the author put into it? Yes, mechanics are important, as is structure and form, but they don't mean anything if there is not content and imagery.

I try and hold a positive attitude throughout a review, so that it will reflect back to the author. I feel this is most important, so the person will feel positive about what they have shared and any changes suggested. With the exception of mechanical errors, I believe a review should be just that, a positive suggestion for improving. The bottom line is, a review should leave the author feeling good.

Of course, some people just cannot handle criticism at all, even good positive feedback. This is no reflection of the person giving a good review, or the review given. Some people post their work only to hear praise and requests for more of the wonderful work they shared. Often, the work is not anything good at all, since this line of thought destroys the ability to learn and advance, which is sad. Some of the items they share are good, and they could do so much more if they could just learn a little humility. All in all, I believe most people do take the reviews well and appreciate the opinions, thoughts, and suggestions that are shared with them.

As you can see, I digress. I was speaking of what I need to do, and the next thing I know, I'm giving a full dissertation on my reviewing. This is what happens when one is exhausted and in need of sleep and relaxation. I desperately need to get a full nights sleep, uninterrupted and sound. I also need to get rid of some stress and get some time to relax and let go. Work, work, and more work, that's what the problem is. I just do not get a break from work, and that will have to change. But, first I must get another person hired, then perhaps revamp the schedule and reduce my hours a bit, so I can do the one thing that relaxes me most -- write.

Maybe, I can even have time to do more, like get out and fish a little, read, and play some games. Now, all I need is a good worker, who is willing to do the whole job.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/805191-Thursday