Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/805740
Rated: GC · Book · Crime/Gangster · #1967095
A book about an unlikely superhero, the jealous kind. Join Perry in his adventures!
#805740 added April 11, 2014 at 11:58pm
Restrictions: None
Ch. 2 The paper work
Perry was sitting in front of Kevin and his dad as he heard his dad say, “So, this Able gave you powers?”

Perry nodded as he then put his hand on a tea pot.  The pot turned to ash as he saw the pot being made by that hands of a craftsman.  The artisan made it in a shop that had clearly not seen the 16th century yet.  The artisan was Arabic with hands covered in clay that was wet.  He made the teapot.  Years later the teapot poured was being used in a ceremony between two generals to share a cup of tea.  It was a British and American Colonial general who shared the tea as they drank it discussing surrender terms on the Colonial’s part.  The Colonial General was Horatio Gates.  Gates stood up and spat on the terms as he said to him, “I will meet you in battle.”

The teapot then found itself in the hands of an antique shop owner.  He sold it to Kevin who said he was buying it for an anniversary.  The blue energy finally flowed out of Perry as the ash recollected into the aged tea pot. 

Kevin then said to him after he heard Perry describe the events of the teapot, “That’s amazing.”

Nodding Perry then said to them, “I think I want to use my new powers to get a job in the heroics field.”

Perry’s looked at his boy as he then said to him, “Well you are of the legal age to not need permission anymore to get a job.  And you are graduating school in a couple of months.  Plus you are turning 18 this June, so I say that so long as you prepare yourself properly.  That I give you my blessing to go find a sponsor.”

Perry then sucked in his breath as he then said to his father, “That’s just the thing.  I don’t want to have a sponsor.  I don’t want to be painted as a free lance hero that won’t save someone without promise of pay.  And I don’t want to be told to not save an individual ‘cause they work by the rival corporation that I’m sponsored by.  I want to save anyone that can be saved by me.  Does that make sense?”

Smiling his father then said as he sniffed a tear, “I’m so proud of my boy.”

Kevin then said with a smile, “Well if you are going to be heroing.  Then you will need a uniform and you can design it.

The three stood up as they got into the car as they drove off.  They went to the parking lot of Law-mart.  The three walked into the store as bought some materials for Perry and went to go home.

The next day

Perry stood in an abandoned paper mill with his Hijazi bow.  He knocked an arrow as he let it fly at a dummy.  He then moved out as he shot arrow after arrow while running.  He attacked different dummies as he went for his belt loop.  On his belt loop was a remote as he pressed a button on it several tennis balls fell from the sky. 

His orange jeans were only slightly baggy with a belt cinched through all the loops and a quiver on the back waist.  On his chest was a chest belt with a quiver on his back.  His shirt was a red wife beater which went well with his orange jeans.  He had a yellow mask that had his brown hair exposed at the top but the rest of his face was over with the exception of his eyes and mouth thanks to holes in the mask.  He pulled up a red hood after the last tennis ball was shot.

Walking Perry made his way to a table as he picked up an old comic book.  He had already absorbed it’s knowledge as he saw a printer that the paper was being loaded into.  The printed the comic as a hand grabbed the paper.

The girl who was stapling the comic was in her early twenties that had brown hair.  Her eyes were blue and the beauty mark on her right cheek complimented her looks.  She had put the comic down as she stood up to get something.  A black cat hopped onto the table the comic book was one.  It played with the comic as it fell down and landed behind the table.  The next thing the comic saw was Perry’s younger hand picking it up with his eyes full of tears.  He looked at the cover of the comic book of a little boy that looked like him in an exact costume as the one he now wore.

Perry sniffed as he let the tear roll down.  He then took up his bow as grabbed a briefcase he walked out of the building.  He then said out loud proud, “Time to go take the heroing test.”

He opened the briefcase as he placed the bow with quivers inside.  He closed the briefcase as he walked to the bus stop.  A bus came by a few minutes later as he got on and saw his dad in the driver’s seat.  He pulled out his discount card and put some money into the machine as he sat down. 

The bus began to drive as Perry said to his dad, “Thanks for the ride.”

Perry’s dad replied to him as the bus began to drive, “Not a problem.”

The bus drove until it got to Veteran’s plaza as Perry pulled on the yellow string.  A tone was heard as the bus stopped at the next bus stop.  Perry got off the bus as he heard from his dad behind him, “Best of luck.”

Perry nodded as he walked to the brick building.  He walked inside as he went up line that lead to the receptionists.  Not too many people were there, then again there wouldn’t be that many during spring break.  He waited in line as he finally got to the receptionist as he then requested from her, “Heroing License paperwork, please.”

The guy gave him the papers as he got his number and the papers.  Perry walked over to the seats as he began to fill out his paperwork.  He then wrote down in the skills and powers: Power Replication & Archery.

Turning to his side he saw in a seat down from him a girl who was signing some paperwok like him.  It even had the same questions on it as he then observed her looks.  She had brown wavy hair with a light red, like a red fox’s, leather crop top that featured her dominating bosom that was either stuffed or just gifted.  This fuelled Perry’s jealousy as he just thought how can someone be that sexually gifted.  He continued the observations of her copper skin noting her to be of mixed descent of Native American and some kind of Caucasian.  She wore a pair of same shade as her crop top lyocell daisy dukes with a brown belt that had pouches on it plus a fake fox tail clipped onto the back.  A purse with thin leather band was worn on her person.  Her boots were the same shade of brown as her belt and purse.  The eyes were hidden by a pair of red lenses shades.  Her lips drew his attention to their color of red which was a dominant feature to her costume design.

Perry shook his head as he resumed looking at his papers.  He filled out the paper as he finally got to the line that asked for his alias.  He then wrote down feeling empowered by this moment, ‘Empowered Boy’.  He was going to be a hero, finally.
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