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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/807096-Friday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#807096 added February 14, 2014 at 5:37pm
Restrictions: None
It's just about time to go pick Rhonda up from work, but I should have enough time to get this written first. It's kind of nice to be in here in the afternoon instead of late at night. I just hope things keep working in the right direction so this will be all the time instead of just some of the time.

I worked today; my first day back after enjoying three days off. Two of them were with Rhonda, and yesterday by myself. I worked a little on Tuesday, my first day off, so I could get it done with and enjoy the other two. Things went pretty well up to the time we got ready to run into town. First we had a dead battery, and while we had that charging, I filled up the radiator and found a bigger leak. Even so, things were going alright up to this point.

I tried to fix the leak, but didn't achieve much, so I knew we would have to take it in. I kind of suspected this anyway, but had hoped it would hold off until next week, after payday. With me off, though, all we had to do was get Rhonda a fill in and then we would be set to get it fixed, and neither of us needing to go into work. she called the guy who is always missing work and asking her to fill in for him. Even though she has every time, he told her no. This was the point of things going the wrong direction. It really upset me that he wouldn't return the same as he received.

We managed, Len came and gave her a ride to work, and I got the Jimmy in to get fixed, had it done in time to go get Rhonda after work, and had a pretty good day. My new boss and the vice president were in the area and wanted to get together, but of course my vehicle was in the shop. It worked out nice, though, they visited with Rhonda, talked to store management, and stopped today before going back to Iowa and paid me a visit.

They had planned to stop about the time I get done work, but showed up a half hour early. It was kind of busy but we had a good visit, but short. Even this was nice, because I got to come right home then instead of hanging around waiting for them. Of course, I had to stop and get a few things, put gas in and then came home, but it was still faster than if they had showed up later.

I got us a bottle of wine to have with dinner, and also picked up a bottle of brandy for us. I stopped at the grocery store and picked up some ice cream and a nice roast to go with dinner, as well as a few of the items we are out of. Then it was off to get gas, and then come home. I got messed up when I went in to pay for the gas and put it on the wrong card, though. It should be fine, but it's kind of the idea. I had it going in, but then had to wait for a little bit for the gal in front of me to pay for her stuff.

That's when I got myself sidetracked and messed up. See she was picking up a few things inside, so I didn't notice her until I went in to pay. She had just put a few things on the counter as I was walking up to pay, so I had to wait until she was done, since there was only the one person working. She was nice looking, around thirty, maybe a little younger, and wearing a pair of them fit like skin yoga pants. They really didn't conceal much, and I was enjoying the show as she bent down to pick a few items up. Then she got ready to pay, and reached in her jacket pocket. She then checked the next and again came up empty.

She told the cashier that she knew she had grabbed her wallet, then proceeded to feel around until she located it. She had put it in her sweater pocket, then put her coat over it. Of course, I didn't know she had on a sweater at this point, only that she found her wallet under her coat. She had on a hooded, pull-over style coat. More of a jacket than a coat, but it doesn't matter. What does is that it was a pull-over. No zipper, no snaps, and no buttons, just pull it on. Well, in this instance, pull it off, which she did.

She was turned sideways to me when she found her wallet and started lifting it off. But, as she did, she got kind of hung up in it, and twisted a little one way then the other. It was kind of snug fitting and it took a bit for her to get it to pull up and off, but she managed. This was fine, except her sweater came right along with it. The jacket pulled off, but the sweater only pulled about half off, with her arms still in the sleeves, the sweater half inside-out, and over her head. She was trying to pull her arms free, but the sleeves were long enough to just not quite pull off.

She turned a bit more so she could let her jacket fall and free up her hands, and in the process turned to face me. I was watching her intently already, since she had no other shirt on under the sweater, and no bra, either. She put on quite a nice show as she worked to get her hands free and pull the sweater back down and over her breasts. Of course as she did, she looked right into my eyes that had been looking right at her breasts. Now that they were covered, I looked up, and of course was looking right into her eyes. She was blushing, I'm sure I was blushing, and the female cashier was blushing, but no one said a word.

The gal, who had just flashed us a very nice set of breasts stooped, picked up her jacket, and then walked out the door and left. She also left all her stuff right there, on the counter. I can't say that I blame her, being in such an awkward situation, I would have done the same. The cashier moved the stuff over and I paid for my gas, but my mind was not focusing on my purchase so I handed the cashier the wrong card and didn't have a clue. I found out after the sale was complete, but then it was too late to do anything about it. No one said anything up to this point, but now the cashier, in a slightly wavering voice said, "Thank you, have a nice afternoon."

I just smiled and said, "You to."

What entered my mind however was the image of those nice breasts bouncing and jiggling as the woman fought with her coat, and I wanted to say, "I just did."

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/807096-Friday