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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#807637 added February 19, 2014 at 10:44pm
Restrictions: None
ere we go again. I'm writing this in 750 words and need to hurry a little so I can head off to bed. It's about nine thirty here, in South  Dakota, which isn't all too late, but seeing how I have to get up at three, it's pretty late for me. I had today off, but did get up kind of early, so I'm tired enough to sleep. I also went out and got some fresh air, so I know I will sleep good tonight.

In fact, I'm tired enough that I find myself having some difficulty trying to focus on what I'm writing, and that means I'm pretty tired. I feel like it's around midnight, or later, actually. Not because I was up that early, I didn't get up until around eight. No, it's the fresh air, I'm sure, that's got me so tired and ready for bed. I went out and did some ice fishing with my brother today, and spent most of the day on the lake. Well, it's not really a lake, a slew that's filled in from high water levels a few years back yet. And, while everything was flooding that spring, the fish must have migrated into this slew, and now that the water is down some, they cannot get out.

We did pretty good on perch, and someone else landed a huge carp, but that is all I seen caught out of there today. No one else seemed to be doing very well at all, but we seemed to have hit the hot spot and kept a limit of nice sized perch. We had a bunch of smaller ones, too but we let them go so they can grow up and we can catch them some other time. We split what we had, my brother keeping six, and me with seven. That way, we each have enough for a nice meal of fresh fish. Even more important, we had a good time and a great day.

The weather was super nice out again today when we headed out. It was sunny, and warm, with just a light breeze. by noon the wind had picked up and it had clouded over, but it was still nice. By one, the wind was getting pretty strong, but with the warm weather, it still was not bad out. it was cool enough we had to use the heater in the shelter a few times, but nothing like it has been  for most of the winter.

It was nice yesterday, too, but we are coming to an end on the nice weather for a while. Yesterday the forecast was for a little cooler, but not bad, tonight I see it has changed and now we will have more of the wicked cold moving in on us. Below zero at night and in the single digits during the day, again. Not quite as cold, but with the wind, it will be cold enough. This arctic cold just does not want to die off, and keeps holing in and holding in. It's kind of crazy, we are past halfway through the month of February and still having this extreme cold air move in and hang around for weeks at a time.

Soon enough we will be into some warmer weather, but for now, it's another week or more of cold unless something really changes. Of course, that is always a possibility. After all, it was just this that put an end to the nice weather we were suppose to get, and bring us back into the bitter cold again. On the bright side, however, we are not suppose to get a lot of snow. Up to an inch is all, and that isn't so bad. In fact, we have not gotten much snow at all yet this year, and we could have easily been hit with some real heavy snow falls. Of course, it's only half way through February and March is the worst month for a lot of snow. So, we could still see a lot of snow come down.

I hope not, but a little more would be alright. I don't mind the snow, I just don't like the bitter cold we have had this year. Hopefully, though, we will have the cold end and maybe have a wonderful spring. It's been a few years since we had much of a spring, anyway. I don't know, but that's what I'll wish for, a beautiful spring, and time and money to enjoy it.

And, with that thought, I'm off to bed~

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