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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/808526-Friday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#808526 added February 28, 2014 at 7:43pm
Restrictions: None
Last day of the month, and then I start my March challenge in here, 750 Words. I should have done the February challenge, I would be writing my last entry for the month and would have won. I don't know if won is the right term, perhaps met my challenge would be better. But, I didn't sign up for the challenge this month, but did for March. I even set a reward for myself if I make it, a steak dinner for Rhonda and I. I doubt we will go out, I don't know anyplace around here that does a nice steak dinner, but we can purchase a nice steak, some side dishes to go with it, and fix it at home.

Other than the challenge, which I actually signed up for yesterday, not much going on. It's the last day of the month, and it's going out as brutally cold as it came in. The whole winter has been extremely cold, for that matter, and march is coming in just as cold. Being the last day of the month, I did have to run to the county seat and pick up my new registration and license for the year. I still have to transfer title and get plates on the Freestar, and when we get the other van fixed, will have to renew the plates on that. Nothing like waiting until the last day to get the new stickers to put on the plates. Now, when Rhonda gets home, I'll have to go out with some alcohol and clean the plates up so the new stickers will adhere good.

I should have taken that vehicle over to pick them up, but instead I let Rhonda drive it home so I could take the new van. Not new as in brand new, but new to us. Also, it is new than our other van and newer than the GMC. My reasoning was, it gets a lot better mileage than the GMC does, so it was cheaper to drive the van over to get the plates renewed than to take the GMC. From work, it must be about sixty five miles round trip over and then home, so it was a big enough savings to warrant driving the van over the GMC.

I haven't heard anything from my brother about ice fishing yet, although he did post a picture on Facebook of a fish he caught. I'm not sure if it was yesterday or the day before, and I don't know if he went out today or not. He did not say much in the post, just how thick the ice was. He also sent an e-mail with the same information and the same photo of his fish. It didn't sound like the fish were biting any better than they have been, and it's cold and windy still. I hope it gets nicer soon so I can go out and enjoy a bit of fishing. Mostly, it's been this cold that has slowed me down this week, that and the cold and wind.

My cold seems to be getting better, but I'm still so tired. I rested up good all week. I missed work on Sunday, worked Monday then had Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off. I rested up good all those days and slept in as well. Today I was up at three for work, and even though I got to bed a little later than what I should, I feel I shouldn't be so tired. Not with all the sleep I had this week. But, it doesn't seem to be making any difference, I was so tired by the time I got home, I couldn't really focus on anything.

I did have to do some stuff for work, and muddled through that alright. I did check, double check, and then triple check my work since I am so tired. Then, I got a bite to eat and got online for a few minutes to check mail and a few social sites. By the time I was done eating, I was ready to take a nap, so I snuggled in under a pile of blankets and quilts and slept until Rhonda called when she got off of work. Not only tired, but cold as well; the heat is cranked up plenty high in here, I should be too hot, not cold.

That's the way it's been all week, and even though I'm feeling better, indicates the cold is still going on inside. Hopefully it's about done, and I can start getting back to what's normal for me. Now, it's about time for Rhonda to get home~

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