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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/809228-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#809228 added March 6, 2014 at 8:24pm
Restrictions: None
Time just goes by too fast. It's not real late but late enough considering I should be in bed in another hour and a half. Of course, taking a two hour nap today kind of took a big chunk of time right out of the middle of my day. I try not to nap most days I work, but since I only had two hours of sleep last night I thought it would alright to take one today.

Now, I'm still tired and should be able to sleep tonight without any problems, but I didn't get much of anything done today after work. I did, but I didn't, if that makes any sense. I got home and enjoyed a nice lunch with Rhonda, the we both sat back and enjoyed a cup of coffee and talked a little while. After, I got online and checked a few things, but was too tired to do much. I went in and lay down, knowing Rhonda would soon notice I wan't in my chair. She did, and even as she did she asked if I was going to take a nap. She come around the corner and there I am, in bed, ready for sleep. I guess that's a yes.

She was tired as well, so she snuggled up to me and we soon were both sound a sleep. Then, after our nap, we had a cup of coffee and Rhonda called the garage to see what the story was with the van. He had not had a chance to look at it yet, but was just getting started on it when she called. We enjoyed our coffee, discussed a few things and then the phone rang. The van was ready to go, just a little problem with a vacuum line collapsing and less then ten bucks to fix.

We got ready and I gave Rhonda a ride over to pick up the van, then came home and cleaned out my parking area of snow. She was soon home and took the dogs up to pay the water bill and pick up the mail. By the time she returned, I had finished cleaning up the snow from the area I park and had the Jimmy moved. She pulled in and let the dogs out, brought the mail in, and then we exercised the dogs for a while.

It was nice out today, in the lower forties, but windy. Very windy. The roads were terrible this morning as a result of blowing and drifting, and it did not get any better all day. It wasn't until late this evening that the wind let up and the blowing stopped. Now, it's suppose to stay pretty nice most of the night, then tomorrow the temperature will begin to drop and bottom out below zero, again. We may also see some light rain this evening, turning to light snow after midnight. That means the roads will be wicked to drive on by morning. As it is, they are going to be terrible from the blowing snow. There's slush in areas, other's are wet, and when the temperature drops later tonight, it's all going to turn to ice. We don't need any freezing rain and snow on top of it.

At least it's not suppose to stay very cold, and we should be back up into the twenties tomorrow afternoon. But, holding to the normal pattern for this winter, the wind will blow hard again, so the wind chill will be down there. It seems like this cold is just never going to end. I know it will, but it sure is putting up a fight. I suppose when it finally ends, we will get just the opposite. Well maybe we will.

We could get a cold and windy spring too, I reckon. But then again, it could turn into one of those very hot and dry springs. That to me would be the most likely, to go from a relatively dry winter to a very dry spring and summer. Also, since we had very little for warm south winds over the winter, and then when we did, they warmed us up for a day or two before the cold arctic air would move back in from another low pressure system, it's likely we will see just the opposite this spring and summer. We will get a mass of cold air come down and give us a nice day or two, but very windy, then the south wind will blow hot, dry air back into the area.

Of course, there is no way to know. Even the weather man can't get it right for more than a half a day it seems. We could get the weather I mentioned, or any other combination of weather. After all, this is South Dakota, and the only thing consistent with the weather is not knowing what it's going to do. I don't think there is a normal weather for this state, and if there is, it could only be termed, inconsistent. That's our normal weather -- inconsistent.

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