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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/809564-Sunday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#809564 added March 9, 2014 at 9:29pm
Restrictions: None
I made it in here a little earlier tonight. Once again, however, I had planned on logging in and making this entry in the afternoon, after work. I ended up taking a nap instead. I don't understand why I have been so tired and run down these last few weeks, but I just can't seem to keep my eyes open by the time I get home from work.

Hopefully this week will get me rested up and back to my old self again. With the week starting on Sunday, as is the same for our work week, it should be a pretty restful week for me. Even with the time change this morning it wasn't difficult to get up, but I did have the typical jet-lag syndrome I usually go through. Sundays are my sleep in day of work, not having to be there until eight. This means I don't get up until six o'clock compared to three. Of course, I was getting up at five or five-thirty for a while, until I started having trouble with being so run down and tired again.

So, with the time change, it was still a nice sleep in from my regular morning routine of being up at three. I had gotten to bed relatively early, and had received about as much sleep as I usually do, but by the time I got to work, I felt kind of out of sorts. I had started out fine this morning, but it just felt like I was going in too early. This is typical for me, and it takes a while to adjust to the time difference. I managed all right, though and by noon I was getting ready to come home.

I got out of work by twelve-thirty and went to County Fair to pick up a few groceries, then came home and put things away. I had also picked up some Oriental food and heated that up for my lunch, and logged into a few social sites while I ate. After, I cleaned up my mess and got settled in to do some stuff in here, but I was soon nodding off at the computer. This is how it's been for the last few weeks, I get home and I am tired, but it seems like after I eat, I'm exhausted.

I shook it off, sat up a bit and started reading again, only to find myself waking up a few minutes later. I thought about going to the kitchen table and trying to sit there, knowing it would be more difficult to fall asleep there, but then changed my mind. My thinking was, "If I'm so tired I'm falling asleep in my chair, I must need more rest."

So, I put my things up, went to the bathroom, and then snuggled into bed for an afternoon nap. I no more than got settled into the sheets and snuggled into my pillow, and I was out. I thought I was smelling something very wonderful cooking, but I don't know if it was actually the smell of food cooking or if I just dreamed it. I woke to the phone. Rhonda calls me after she is done work, and before she drives home. It was her calling and when I got up, I no longer smelled the delightful aroma I had smelled in my sleep.

After I talked to her for a few minutes, I got myself a cup of coffee to try and get woke up more and loosen the cobwebs from my brain. I also started getting things ready for dinner. Soon I was cooking and finishing my coffee. I had it just about ready to go into the oven when Rhonda pulled into the driveway. She assisted with the rest of the items for dinner, and soon enough we were enjoying a wonderful meal and watching a little Netflix.

After, I washed up and got into my robe for the evening while Rhonda took the dogs out, then I logged in here to get this written and my entry done for today. I'm writing it again, in 750 Words, and will copy and paste it into my journal. I took the march challenge to write everyday, so I wanted to get this done while I was still mostly awake, and before I spaced it out and forgot it completely, or something.

Once again, I didn't get much else done, but I did get a bit more sleep, and tomorrow, I get to sleep in again. Normally I would be up at three in the morning on Monday for work, but I switched out with another guard so he could get done work early in the day. He will work my morning shift and I will work his closing shift tomorrow night. Then Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I am off. Of course, if the weather turns nasty I may have to work, but hopefully it will be nice all week and I can get the next four days to sleep in, and three of them off of work completely.

I'm looking forward to resting, having some fun, and getting more time in Writing dot Com to read, review, and hopefully get something written.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/809564-Sunday