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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810508-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#810508 added March 17, 2014 at 11:48pm
Restrictions: None
I need to get this done and entered into my journal real fast tonight or it's not going to register in WdC for today. It got later than I intended, but I should still have enough time to take care of this. It's twenty five minutes past ten o'clock here in South Dakota, and I should be getting ready for bed. Actually, since I was up at three this morning, I should be in bed. But, I took a nap this afternoon, and now I'm able to stay up a little later.

It was a very nice day here today, but very windy. It's still thirty seven degrees out, but dropping pretty fast. We are suppose to see rain and snow early Tuesday morning, starting around one o'clock, and lasting until around seven tomorrow night. Up to eight inches of snow is possible, and they are saying winds around twenty to thirty miles per hour, gusting up to forty. Hopefully it does not hit us and we don't see much out of this system. If we do have to get dumped on, if it would hold off and not get real bad until tomorrow, after the morning shift is over.

The guard who works tomorrow morning lives out of the area about thirty five miles, and has some bad secondary roads to drive in on. If the weather gets very bad tonight, he won't be able to make it in and I'll get called around three tomorrow morning to drive in and work. I have twenty five miles to go, and the roads here are not cleared that early, so it will be a slow drive in. Also, I'm suppose to be off work tomorrow and Tuesday, kind of my weekend. So, like I said, hopefully the worst of it misses us completely, but if we do have to get dumped on, it can wait until later tomorrow before it turns completely crappy.

But, we had a pretty mild day today, and I wanted to enjoy it, since it's going to be a good week for things to get nice again if this storm hits us hard. It will also be a week before I get two days off again, so I picked up some stuff for dinner after work, a couple bottles of wine to wash it down, and then came home. I ate some lunch and got online for a little bit, but I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. After I dozed off twice, I decided I better take a nap so I could stay awake later tonight.

See, I had this plan to surprise Rhonda. Being nice out, and the patio finally is almost completely ice free, I thought cooking out on the grill would be nice. Also, I thought it would be fun to sit out on the patio and enjoy a fire. It's been six months since we had a fire out there and enjoyed the patio, and tonight seemed like a good opportunity. I knew I wouldn't make it very late since I had been up so early this morning and was already falling asleep, so I set the alarm on my phone for an hour and a half, then snuggled into bed and fell right to sleep. Hannah jumped up and snuggled up to me, and I'm not sure which of us was sleeping sooner. I did wake up when Hyko jumped up and pushed in to cuddle a little, too, but only enough to know he was up there. I patted his head and was back sleeping sound before I even finished.

The phone alarm went off on time, but I did not even hear it. I don't know how many times it cycles, but I slept through all of them. I know it goes for a while, then snoozes for five minutes or so, then goes off. It repeats this cycle a few times, then just shuts off. It was shut off when I work up. I got a cup of coffee and woke up a little, but it was already about time for Rhonda to call. I only drank about half a cup of coffee before she was on the phone and then heading home. I went out and found the charcoal and started getting things set up for cooking out, then she was home and we worked together to get dinner going and a fire for later.

We enjoyed a nice dinner, washed it down with a little red wine, then moved outside to the patio, around dusk. We set up the chairs and sipped a cup of coffee then grabbed some blankets, since it was cooling down and the wind was shifting around. We also mixed a Brandy Pepper and snuggled in to enjoy the fire and sip our drinks. It was nice, it was relaxing, and if it hadn't started getting too cool, I would have liked to stay out a little longer. But the wind had picked up a little, the air had cooled quite a bit, and the dogs, Hyko and Hannah, are not used to being out real long. I didn't want them to get too cold, and of course, we didn't want to get too cold, so we moved inside when the fire had burned down a bit more.

Now, I have my entry for 750 Words done for the day, and I have my journal entry done for here. I'm hoping I will wake tomorrow morning, kind of late and see a little snow but not much, and get to enjoy two days off with Rhonda. I do have to get some work done from home, but it shouldn't take long. Then it's snuggle in through the storm and enjoy my two days off.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/810508-Monday