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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/811103-Manage-Stress-and-Dreaming---The-Never-Ending-Story-Bookshop
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#811103 added March 24, 2014 at 9:04am
Restrictions: None
Manage Stress and Dreaming - The Never Ending Story Bookshop
Today's blogs....

Blog City โ€“ Day 20 โ€“ March 24, 2014

Never Ending Dream At an old bookstore, you found a book on interpreting dreams that you just had to have. You fall asleep reading the book and find yourself in a dream that you cannot wake up from.
Prompt: What is it? How will you get back to reality?

Always looking for a new bookshop to discover and explore; I found a flyer at the coffee bar advertizing The Never Ending Story Bookshop. I took a moment to write down the address and headed out after getting another coffee for the excursion.
The shop was a wonderland. I am sure I stayed for hours... and I probably did. When I left the shop the sun had slipped below the horizon and the glow on the horizon burned off the rest of the day.

In my canvas bag I had purchased a few books but the one that drew me was the one that claimed to interpret your dreams. I had been intrigued and the book had almost vibrated within my grasp. Odd, but whatever.

I found myself reading through it and flipping pages interpreting dreams I had once had, but also reading other things and seeing what is was they meant. Without realizing it the time slipped past midnight and my eyes dimmed and shuttered closed. The book slipped to the floor - open.

I awoke hours later in a place not my room... in fact it was cold and dark. A noise ambled out of the darkness. At first it was a vibrating putter but as I tried to make sense of where it was it deepened and turned into a snarl that froze my blood. I forced myself up. Up and out, away from that noise. I slipped my feet into a something large and fuzzy but I did not care. I was not going anywhere without my feet covered. I dragged something I thought was a blanket around me and moved as fast as I could letting my hands skirt the walls which were rough like brick. Where the hell was I? I tramped down the panic and forced myself to move. Move. Move. Move.

As my made my way out of the place my mind scattered and flew over what I knew. My senses were screaming at me. The pieces fell into a odd combination that brought the conclusion of CAVE. What the hell was I doing in a cave? My mind tried to make sense of the details and where they may have come from but nothing presented itself.

Then I came out into open air and flattered when my left foot shuffled forward onto nothingness. I froze. The roar behind me built to deafening tone and I turned to see glowing eyes, then fire. It whooshed forward with a force and I had no time to make a decision... I jumped.

Screaming I fell.... and fell.... and fell. I expected to die.

After what seemed like eternity I landed and peace surrounded me. No more roaring, no more rough walls, no more cold and damp. Was I in Heaven? I shifted my body and seemed to float forward, easing to my own street. It was empty. I made my way home.
There I found a book leaning against the door frame and wondered who had dropped it off; but as I got closer it grew. Each of my steps made it swell until it filled the doorway. My mouth hung open. This was not real.

I took a deep breath to settle my nerves then reached out to touch the book. On contact it changed and righted itself into my hands. The title glowed up at me: Dreams Interpreted.

โ€œOh my...โ€ I whispered breathlessly. Gripping the book I turned and without knowing precisely why, headed back to the bookshop.
I found it easily and made my way inside. Although I passed no one on my way the store was packed; packed with people in various forms of dress. Some in pajamas, some in safari gear, one in a tarzan costume. All very weird until I saw the alien form and stopped still. I was about to scream when I realized the alien was only perusing the bookshelves.

I turned to the front counter and approached the little old bookseller who had sold me the book.
โ€œGood sleep, young lady?โ€ He asked.
And I shook my head.
โ€œOh, that is too bad.โ€ He tsked. โ€œNot everyone adjusts so well.โ€
โ€œI want to return this.โ€ I told him holding out the book.
He looked at me long and solemn, then with a nod turned to take the book and return my money.
โ€œWhat is all this?โ€ I asked glancing around then back at him.
โ€œSome people love their dreams... they want to live them without the fears reality bestows... they come here and try to make them happen.โ€
โ€œNot everyone experiences the dreams you had. Some find it enjoyable and wish to stay... and never leave.โ€
โ€œI think I prefer to live my dreams in the real world. Thanks.โ€
โ€œAll the best.โ€ The little man said and as he handed me my money I felt myself sucked backward.
Jerking awake. I glanced at the clock. 7am. I sat up and looked around. The only thing missing was that book. Flopping back I heaved a huge sigh of relief. Then got up to get ready for work.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Fourteen

3. How do you manage stress?
One of the best ways to manage stress is to exercise. Personally, I love to put myself into a good twenty minutes of stretching yoga. Focusing on my breathing and the movements of my body keeps me stable and able to hold positions quite well. I concentrate on my body and my breath and let the world slip away. I also love to go for walks. I will walk the neighbourhood, but I really love to get out and do trail hikes. Surrounded my the natural world eases out the kinks and reminds me I am part of something bigger. Breathing in the freshness and appreciating the awe - inspired God created world around me is amazing.

If time is of the essence and I am limited to time and space I can focus in on my breathing - deeply drawing it in and letting it out taking the toxins with it. Easing my body into calmness.

Eating is not the best way, I know, but sometimes a treat can work wonders - even if I keep it small piece of chocolate or a conscious choice put on a plate and savoured. To deny myself only makes things worse.

Making sure I get enough sleep is also important. Very important. Enough sleep eases the tensions, and allows me to make conscious choices and not become irritable. I often make poor choices if I am tired and my irritability is close to the surface. If I am out of whack, I am more prone to overeat. If I give in to overeating I will send myself into a downward spiral.

signature for the Paper Doll Gang. ** Image ID #1855238 Unavailable **

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/811103-Manage-Stress-and-Dreaming---The-Never-Ending-Story-Bookshop