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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/811947-Worst-event-in-History
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1908951
Random thoughts, inconsistent posting
#811947 added April 1, 2014 at 2:29pm
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Worst event in History?
April 1, 2014: In your opinion, what is the worst event in history to have ever taken place? Could something like this possibly happen again?

Other than having Obama elected president?

Let me begin by saying I thought this over for five minutes or so. I had an immediate thought, the above, but tossed that aside. While it is devastating to the United States, the rest of the world carries on, pretty much, as usual.

The very next thought is one that for some reason is close to my heart. I'm not Israeli by birth, nor am I Jewish by religion. I am, however, adopted into the family of God and therefore a sister to his chosen people.

That being said, I have to say the Worst Event in History is the annihilation of the Jew's by Hitler. The timing and the severity of what happened can only be deemed as horrific, beyond comparison.

I've heard of mass killings in places like Rowanda and other African countries. I even remember that Christopher Columbus wiped out an entire civilization and yet we still honor him in his misguided endeavor. For some reason our country's propaganda will not let go that while he touched "The America's" he was a vicious killer and all for gold. Just as disgusting as the men under Hitler that stole from the very people they killed.

I'm reading a book by Jodi Picoult called the Storyteller. It's about one of these Holocaust killers who escaped to the United States and lived as a freeman. As he is nearing the end of his life he feels he must receive absolution for all his misdeeds. He finds the only descendent of a Jew and asks not only for her to forgive him but to mercy kill him.  It story line is very interesting.

My uncle was one of the first Allies to enter one of the concentration camps. What he saw was so horrific he would never speak of it. Granted he thought women and young girls shouldn't know or see any of these things and I don't know what happened to the pictures he took.  During his time in Germany, he worked at a hospital and was able to save a Jewish man by having him do an "important job" at the hospital so he wasn't sent to a camp. They remained in contact for many years. These are good stories that we hear, but the awful atrocities were the real story. They are well documented and no matter what the nay sayers try to impose, there is no doubt this happened.

In the last month I began watching documentaries listed on Netflix about the Holocaust and Hitler's regime.  I have read many books on the subject. I find the stories that give me hope are ones like Diary of Anne Frank and the TV movie I love to watch, Freedom Writers. These lights of hope in the dark world that surrounded that time let me know, no matter what, there is hope. I'm sure that those who died did not think so, but there is evil in the hearts of men.

Can something like this happen again?

I see this as one memory that we need to keep in mind as we allow one man to change what we have had for 200 years, into something just as sinister as what Hitler did. I see the writing on the wall. Hitler told the people he would make sure they were taken care of. He appealed to their fear of poverty and promised them equal share in everything. He told them he would lead them to a new world order. One where everyone was equal.

When he had the people behind him, following him blindly with his promises clasped to their hearts, he sent them out to take from those who had more than they did. He gave his men, acting on behalf of the people, authority to take without recompense what they wanted and to give to those who did not. They took but they did not share to all as was promised.

We know Hitler and most of his regime, stole, kept what they wanted, lived a lifestyle of wealth and indulgence.  They didn't share and doled out only what kept the people quiet and doing their bidding.  That included fear. Now that they were in, they couldn't get out. They would be killed themselves if they defied Hitler's government, that would be treason.

We can see this happening today in our country and others around the world.  Economy's are falling. Super powers are taking over or allowing the mess to continue until the time is right.  Our president has filled the ears of deluded people with promises of equality. After all HE was voted president and that was a good thing, right?  Now he is a pawn in the hand of the same entity that drove Hitler. The entity that whispered into Hitler's ears and those who followed him blindly and willingly for their own reward is still very much alive and in business today.

He has the ear of our President. The actions of this man emulate the same actions of Hitler. Appeal to the lowest common denominator. Find their weakness or their plight and feed on it. Tell them they are being persecuted or discriminated against. He will be their champion. He will take from those who are oppressing them and give to the poor and needy their rightful recompense. 

If you speak to people in a certain class and color you will find they follow everything our President says. They reiterate his promises and are blind to the realities of economics.  They have no clue they are being set up.

Thankfully in our country there are enough people who resist and fight against this as much as they can. They try to inform the ignorant that what they are being told is similar to what Hitler tried to do. 

I don't say this as some story line. I know what will happen. I know that others disbelieve in prophecy. However, I'm sure when the people of Germany and Poland looked back and remembered what they heard and how easily they were swayed, they probably wished someone had warned them. The truth is they wouldn't have believed the messenger. Like today we try to warn people of what's on the horizon and coming closer. They discount it much like the poor people who Hitler swayed, until it was too late.

The die is cast, what will happen will not be changed, much like what Hitler did. However, there is a way of escape. One only needs to make the preparation requirements. In order to do that one has to believe and have faith, both are sadly lacking in our world today.


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