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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/812613-Colours-Spring-Muses-and-DisappointmentsOh-My
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#812613 added April 4, 2014 at 7:06pm
Restrictions: None
Colours, Spring, Muses and Disappointments...Oh My
I have some catching up to do....

Blog City - Day 30 – April 4

Prompt: What five (5) colors best represent your personality?
Red for passion and promise.
Blue for a true heart and faithfulness.
Purple to mix my red and blue aspects – a passionate true heart and a promise of faithfulness
Pink for the feminine sweetness that is within me.
Black for the underbelly of my shadow side that lurks within my depths.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Fifteen?

2. The beginning of Spring is a time of renewal and hope after a long winter. What does Spring mean to you? Does it inspire you in any way?
Most definitely! I find it very inspiring. Winter is a time to hibernate, to turn inside oneself and ruminate. Spring is the time to bring those ruminations into the light of day and see if they can stand up to the power of the warming sun. Spring captures the essence of rebirth, of starting over, of starting again or anew. It is powerful. I find myself recharged and alive. Glad to get out and explore the world around me.
I am currently using the season of Spring in a short story to help illuminate a young woman's time to refocus her life after a devastating break up and job loss. That is the idea anyway... whether it finds its way into the final edits, I do not know, but it is definitely inspiring the tale.

3. What has disappointed you this week?
Having returned to reality after last weeks vacation I feel a smidgen of loss. LAst week was glorious - warm or rather hot, summer - like weather. Mexico is all its grandeur. This week it is dreary rain with a chill that holds within your bones. I am greatful for the sun's touch of a tan on my body - at least that helps me remember - I really was there. It was not a dream.
Last week's vacation also left me unable to get easy access to Internet and my writing streak on 750words.com was cut at 138 days. I am disappointed that I have to start all over, but I will and I am.

4. We hear much talk on writing.com about the muse which is essentially someone/something/inner voice, that inspires or sometimes even demands that we create. Notable professions who often speak of having a muse are artists, musicians, actors/actresses and of course writers of all kinds. Share with us what you think of the concept of having a muse and if you have a muse of your own, explain the relationship you have and how it works for you.
I think the concept of the muse is a good one - that tempermental little soul that ventures with us and enlivens and engages our creative spark. The beasty that hides off and plays havoc leaving us remote and lost when we can not find the words to crreate.
Personally, I think we can not wait for the muse to make an apprearance. She will come when she is ready and prehaps arrive only when we do not force her to come out and play. Not feeling the pressure to perform, she flits in and joins us as we do the daily work of writing. Each day showing up at the page and letting the words fall as they may. Sometimes it works and the gloriousness of the muse brings her enlightenment that leaves us spell bound with her flame and creative spark; other times, we write alone in the struggle; knowing that today she did not make an appearance, but remembering she is not gone - just resting off somewhere.

6. Do you feel older or younger than your chronological age?
I would have to say, I usually feel younger than my chronological age. If fact, I often forget how old I am - really and truely. That is not Alzhemer's setting in, that is simply that essence of feeling like I can not possibly be the age that I am. It is only when i am around family or my friend's children that i am reminded that I am not part of that youthful crowd anymore - that I am in fact the person who listens to 'classic' hits of the eighties - that is just a little wierd.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/812613-Colours-Spring-Muses-and-DisappointmentsOh-My