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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/812739-Saturday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#812739 added April 5, 2014 at 11:29pm
Restrictions: None
Just made it in time to get in for today. I'm two hours earlier, so it's only ten here. I can't believe I almost forgot to log in.

I already started my entry in WdC so I could make sure I get it in before midnight their time. Here it is only ten, well a little after. I was going through songs on the computer and setting up Rhonda's Mp-3 player with her, and done forgot about anything else. I always enjoy listening to all our favorite songs and singing along to them with her. I do find myself quite surprised by the variety of music I have collected. I really can't say I have any one type of music I listen to, there's a little of everything.

Other than setting up her music for her, I really didn't accomplish much today other than work. It was a nice day, sunny and warm, but the wind was blowing real hard and made it feel kind of cold. It was way to windy to do anything outside, with gusts up around fifty mile per hour, so I put off working on the truck for another day or two. Maybe even three or four, depends on how things go. I will have Tuesday through Thursday off again next week, and the forecast is for nice weather most of the next week, so I may just wait and work on it then.

I got home and had some lunch, then tried to work on my poem some, but just could not get anything to flow. I had come up with an idea last night, but was so tired I couldn't do anything with it. I did get my word processor open and wrote down what I had, but even in that amount of time, I lost my train of thought and didn't get much down at all. Today, when I opened it, I seen just how tired I was. I didn't get much of anything down, and it didn't even make sense. I tried to bring the idea back out, but I just couldn't get it. I ended up just scrapping that idea and trying to work from scratch again. I did finally manage to get a poem written, but it's real short and not quite what I was hoping for. But, at least it's something new I created. I'll have to add it in at the end of my post.

I barely got done with the four line poem and found myself nodding off in my chair, so I got up and fixed myself a cup of coffee. Then it was in to my email and then online. Only I just could not keep my eyes open. I nodded off a few times, then got up and fixed another cup of coffee. This helped enough for me to stay awake, but I was much to sleepy to do any creative work, and even the little bit of posting I did was kind of difficult to get down without having a lot of typos and repeats.

I don't know why I'm so tired today, I did sleep well last night. I suppose I'm still tired from the night before when I couldn't sleep at all. I maybe got three hours of sleep all night, and not more than ten or fifteen minutes at any one stretch. Last night was better, I got to bed on time and slept well. I had a pretty good day at work, but busy. Then home and a relaxing day here. I'm going to be a little short on sleep tonight since it's getting so late, but I should still get enough rest for the night if I sleep well.

I think this adjusting over to getting up early is the biggest problem with my writing, or actually, my inability to write. I'm usually too tired, and when I do have time off, I'm kind of out of sync. That's why it's important for me to stick with this change in sleep patterns, so I can get accustom to the hours I work and not be so tired and out of sync. It seems to be working, but it's taking a long time to break myself from being up half the night. But, I know I can do it.

The winter was also a big damper on anything creative. It was just so long and so brutal. We didn't get a lot of snow, but we sure did get a lot of foul weather. We had blizzard and winter storm advisories most every week. Even with out the heavy snow it was bad with the wind. Even a little snow makes a mess with it's drifting to winds forty mph with higher gusts. Then to top off the blowing and drifting, wind chill advisories almost constantly. It seemed like one nice day a week, or at least nicer day, then it was either snow and blow, or sever cold and wind. A lot of the time, it was both.

But, now spring has finally arrived and the weather is looking good, so with some good sleep, and sunshine, I should be writing up a storm.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."

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