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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/813449-Changed-the-prompt
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1908951
Random thoughts, inconsistent posting
#813449 added April 14, 2014 at 5:46pm
Restrictions: None
Changed the prompt
Long ago people thought the earth was flat. Now we know the earth is round. What beliefs do we have now that may be proved wrong in the future?

While reading the Blog City's Chronicle and smiling because one of my blogs made it to the "LIST", I saw a link to Janine's Daily prompt
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I almost past it by but #7 caught my eye. I honestly don't believe that we have any scientific beliefs that have yet to be proven. I take that back, Worm holes, Black holes and Time travel have yet to be proven.

There is one thing I know will be proven. I'll warn you now, if you are an atheist, heretic, heathen, or anyone who doesn't believe the Bible is the Holy Word of God, I'm about to expound.

The common belief among the masses is the Bible is old fashioned, not true and cannot predict the future. Some even go so far as to say those who read it and interpret it, fit the words to what they want it to mean.  I won't disagree with that. The Bible is something that has been misinterpreted for years.

The scriptures have proven, in my mind and millions of others, that its prophecy is true, the promises are real and its power is steadfast. That being said there have been many signs over the last forty-nine years to warrant a closer look.

I'm not a scholar but here is what I believe has happened recently that shows me; as Shakespeare wrote, "The game's afoot: Follow your spirit, and upon this charge."

After the war in Israel in 1965, it was prophecy fulfilled and the desert did blossom as a rose. Irrigation brought us roses from Israel that are the best grown in the world. Their economy flourished and with the help of the immigrant Jews into the United States as well as our government, they held off their enemies and rebuilt. 

The Bible tells us in the last days, there were come armies from the north and merge with the south. It says the Lion (England) and her cub (USA) will not help.  We certainly have seen this happen. What a shock when the President has sided with Israel's enemy, snubbed Israel and even pulled support to this ally.  What better proof than that? God said, "I will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel." Ours and others who have not allied and helped Israel have seen devastation. Look at our country, we are a mess right now. If we even turned back to help Israel I don't think its enough. The die has been cast and evil has tipped the scales on its downward spiral.

There is more. I wondered how Russia would fall into all this and in the last few months the Ukraine fell, Greece can be easily taken because their economy is defunct. That will be just a timing issue.

If you think of a map (look up the world map) you will see how easy it would be for  Russia/Ukraine to march down on either side of the Black Sea to line up against Israel. They have made a tentative alliance with the Arab countries and when the time is right they will begin that fight.  I will say it won't be for a long time. There is too much that has to happen before that takes place.

The common belief is "The United States is strong. We are invincible and nothing will happen to us as it is in those other smaller countries." No so my friend. The strength of a ship is its ability to  keep water from coming inside. If there were a large gash in the hull, as in the Titanic, the danger would be eminent and then you'd see borders close. Those who know this, know this isn't the way to destroy a world power. It must be done with bringing in water a bucket at a time and distribute it in a way that is acceptable.  Water for drinking, sanitation and many others ways that are seemingly safe on the surface. However, there are those who will also be enticed to bring more water aboard in secret, not even knowing they are part of a deviant plan, until its too late. The ship sinks lower and lower into the water and no one knows why. They throw out people, machines, all the while more water is being brought in under their noses until finally the ship is compromised and water from the sea floods any available hole and the ship sinks.

How else to get a world power to its knees? Begin to disseminate the power at its source. We have seen many "refugees" enter our country by an agreement to help them if they helped us. In doing so they have abused the system and degraded it to the point it is useless to the actual citizens it was designed to help. These "refugees" have come under this disguise and brought the enemy in much like the Trojan horse. It has become too late to try to round them up and ship them back. They just return illegally under some other name. 

It is the belief of the American people that the government will never let anything bad happen to us again. No 9/11 or bombings will happen to us again. Maybe not, but what causes people to kill people? The people who put their head in the book and say its the parent's fault, its the government's fault for not "fixing" those who come back from war, its always someone else's problem.

There is an underlying entity that roams to and fro in this world. He knows there was an end to his life when he was thrown out of heaven. All this time he has used every trick he's learned and every supernatural power he has to his advantage. Just because many don't believe he's real, doesn't make it true.  A person who drives and has never had a speeding ticket, but speeds all the time, may laugh at the police. He may think he's above the law. he may never get caught or, he just hasn't been caught YET. He's still breaking the law.

Life as we knew it just thirty years ago isn't the same. We've seen changes for the good and the bad. Right now in the last few years, the change toward the bad is more prevalent. I can hear the naysayers, "That's a bunch of garbage. We're fine and we just need to get our act together. The government needs to get control of things."
Really?  We need more government in our lives? What would be the easiest way to cripple the USA? Control the minds of those who lead it. Turn them to think alike, for the good of the people. To have one head that rules them all.

That sadly will happen. How you say? Easy. A catastrophic world wide incident. I can hear the Pshaw's now. That can't ever happen. Yes, it can and it will.

What do you think the world will do when millions of people disappear in a second? Cars, planes, buses crashing. People crying that their babies have been stolen, masses of children missing from schools all over the world. You don't think the world would be in chaos? Who will they blame?

In that time, when all is confusion, the people will call for a leader. Someone that can explain all this and help. He will emerge. A leader with two assistants. One the spiritual guide that will calm people's hearts and sway them to look at the leader at their new god. (Much like some people have called Obama their god) This leader will have the people counted. What better way to know who is left and needs assistance. Next there will need a system to track those people. The economy will fall as this leader will have a brilliant idea and everyone will agree with it. Those people will not resist. Why? you ask? Because the one thing that gives us hope is a conscience. Its the thing in our minds and hearts that tell us something is wrong. We feel it. A parent feels it when their child asks to go somewhere and they say no. It's nothing concrete just a feeling they shouldn't go. Some call it instinct, but there is a spiritual guide inside you that tells you right from wrong, if you listen. That spirit will leave the earth when the people are miraculously taken out of this world. There will be nothing to stop evil thoughts from becoming actions. Crime will be at an all time high, and this new leader will make it all better, only to turn on the very people he helps.

He will sign a treaty with Israel and make world peace. But three and a half years later, once everything is set up, he will break that treaty and all hell, like no one has ever seen will take place.  His goal is to destroy the spirits of as many souls as he can, before he is sentenced to Hell for all eternity. He doesn't want anyone to believe in Hell or Heaven. That would mean people need to make a choice. He ingrates into the mind there is no choice needed, "I'll take care of it all." Yes, he will. Those who think there is no choice, made the choice not to believe. Everyone is told of the choice. Everyone makes that choice, even choosing not to believe, is a choice. No choice is a NO choice.

I can hear more resistance. Of course there is disbelief. The fact one needs to have a spiritual cleansing in order to be one of the "missing" is a prerequisite that satan doesn't want to happen. He tells everyone, "Its a lie, don't believe it. It can't happen, the Bible is just a fictional story and I am not real."  He whispers it and those who listen are dead for eternity.

This may sit in my blog for a few more years. This may never be read but by a few. Then at such time someone will come across it and say. How did she know? Why didn't someone tell us? It's true, we believed it would never happen, and it did.

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