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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/813904-Tuesday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#813904 added April 15, 2014 at 10:47pm
Restrictions: None
Well, what can I say? I should have been in here sooner, but things kind of got out of control today. Not in a bad way, and it was a good day, it just slipped away faster than I had wanted.

I had the day off, with Rhonda. We got up kind of early, she at seven thirty when the Dinger woke her, me at eight thirty to the sound of singing birds when the alarm went off. We had some coffee, then started our days tasks. First on the agenda was a trip into town to do some grocery shopping. Of course, when Rhonda and I go shopping, it can take hours. We enjoy looking and shopping together way too much. So, instead of a quick run into town, it turned into a half a day event by the the time we returned home.

This wasn't anything bad, since we had a great time shopping and spending time together. But, there were some pressing matters to finish up. So we return home around four or so, and just as I'm about to get out of the vehicle, my cell phone rings. It's the guard who is scheduled to open in the morning. Seems there's a bit of a problem, though. For one thing, he lost his vehicle over the winter, and since he still lives with his parents, is using one of their cars. Well, the one he was using also broke down, so now the family has only one vehicle, and that's kind of causing a problem.

Also, the weather isn't helping out. Tonight there is a winter weather advisory in effect until tomorrow evening. Rain changing to snow, blowing and drifting, and poor visibility. Of course, we don't know for sure if it will hit or how hard, but it's sounding like it can be a bad storm, and with using his parents only vehicle, he is kind of stuck if they say he can't use it because of the weather. I can understand it, since he lives in an area that has terrible roads when the weather is bad. So, he won't be in tomorrow to open, and I must forfeit my second day off to fill the shift.

I may get Thursday off instead, if another guard will work it, but I don't know yet. So, I assume that it's back to work tomorrow, and if I do get Thursday off, great, if not, the pay check will be very nice. But, this means I don't have time that I thought I would have. So, just enjoy the afternoon, right? Wrong, that's not going to happen until after the taxes are done.

Rhonda had them about done, but we owed and thought if we itemized we could lower it some. So we took the time to deduct expenses and ended up not having them done after all. We finished them up this afternoon, but in the end, it didn't make a damn bit of difference. I don't quite understand why it didn't, but the best I can figure is we just didn't have enough withheld.

After the taxes were done, sent, and the amount due taken care of, we enjoyed a nice dinner, then relaxed a bit before having dessert. Then it was time to take the dogs out, feed them, and get this written. I should be in bed sleeping, so I don't get behind on my sleep again, but I didn't get up that early and just haven't been tired enough to sleep anyway. But, tomorrow I will be up around three in the morning and I know I'll be plenty tired then, as well as at work. Then, after I come home, I'll be ready for a nap, but that means I won't get much of anything done.

It's almost funny, but not at the same time. I have been struggling to try and get my sleep pattern set, so I can work this early shift, get home and not need a nap, and then get to bed on time for a while now. I was finally getting a good routine going, then something like this comes up and kind of sets everything back again. Well, it could, but I'm sure I will recover fine. Tomorrow I will resist napping and then get to bed early and be right back on my schedule, but with a little bigger check coming next payday.

So, for now, I haven't gotten much done online or anyplace else, but mostly as a result of putting off the taxes and letting some other things pile up. Tomorrow I will do what I can to get a bit further with catching up, and one of these first weeks, the winter weather will end. For now, it's a spring storm, and they can be worse than the winter ones. I once spent a week snowed in, at the end of April. I was on the other end of the state, but they have even nicer weather most of the time. So, will we get hammered or not? Time will tell.

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