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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/815094-Saturday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#815094 added April 26, 2014 at 11:30pm
Restrictions: None
Here I am, getting in here plenty late tonight. Of course I expected as much, even though I have been doing pretty good at getting in here earlier. The last few days, anyway. Things get a bit out of the ordinary on the days that I work, and even though I've made a bit of progress with great effort at correcting this, some days are still going to be like this.

See, I get up most workdays at three in the morning, so it kind of messes my day up a bit. It wouldn't so much if I was better at getting to sleep earlier, and I am improving a lot. Even so, I still tend to get to bed a bit too late. That means I get too tired, and don't function as well, especially late afternoon and in the evenings. But, I have been getting to bed earlier and doing better with not taking naps after work. With more sleep, I've been more functional and have been getting more done. Like getting my journal entry written sooner in the day, instead of at the last minute, like tonight.

So, what happened then? Well, it's like this, I went in to work this morning like most days, and it started out much like any other day. Being a Saturday, the early morning was quiet, no freight in, nothing going out. After seven it did change a little, but still very slow, and only a local load going on delivery. Then, around nine, it started to get busier, by ten it was nuts and by eleven I was ready for a break.

I had been on my feet steady for two hours and couldn't even get enough time to pour a cup of coffee. Rhonda came in at eleven, and started helping as soon as she got to the guardhouse. It stayed like that for the rest of the day, busy. It was also cooler today, and very windy. This made it feel cold, which only adds to the tiring effect of working that hard and steady, and the wind put up a steady blast of about thirty five miles per hour, with gusts reaching into at least the mid fifties. So, by the time I finished, I was beat. I had been working for eleven and a half hours with very little time to even sit down.

Then, my shift was finally over, but Rhonda wanted me to stop and pick up some ice cream. Not a problem, so I head out, and on my way home, stop and shop at HyVee. Only, I'm hungry, so I end up picking up a few other items, like pizza and chips. So, I'm finally on my way home, fifty bucks lighter, and a few bags of groceries heavier. Once I get home, I need to let the dogs out, and of course they have been missing me, so they are not interested in anything other than me. But, finally I get them to go out into the yard, and hopefully take care of business.

Then, after about fifteen minutes of walking around the yard with them, they are ready to go in. I grab my stuff and the food, then head in. In short order I have stuff organized and put away. Then, I get a call, Rhonda is on her way home. I hustle and get stuff put away, then start some paperwork for my job until Rhonda gets home. She worked on supper, or dinner, what ever you call it, I spent some time writing my e-report and sending it. By this time the food is smelling good, and I'm ravished. We have frozen pizza with some added toppings, and to compliment the meal, potato chips and dip.

By the time I finish my report, it's time to eat. We have a movie that came in from Netflix, so we decided to watch it while we eat our pizza. Then, it's a matter of getting a couple of tv trays set up, so we can enjoy dinner with the movie. Soon enough the food is done, the trays are in place, and we have hot pizza for lunch. After, we rested while we watched more of the movie, then it was prepare for sleep. But first, I need to stop in here and get my entry done, and posted.

So, here I am, writing my entry and so tired I am having trouble even staying a wake. So, if you read this and it kind of jumps all over, as well as not making much sense, you know it's a result of being half asleep as I type. In fact, I'm about to start dozing off right here, so time to go.

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