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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/816658-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#816658 added May 13, 2014 at 1:11am
Restrictions: None
Monday, May 12, 2014

Getting in here real late tonight, but I'm still writing before midnight my time. Of course when I post this in WdC it will be after midnight and therefore show up as Tuesday instead of Monday. Just a difference in time zones, that's all.

Today was a long day! I was up about three thirty for work, and had Rhonda drive me in since the van is down for repairs. Then she returned home and went back to bed. I worked until one thirty, when she came in for her shift, and I drove home. Then, I went back in to pick her up around ten thirty. So, it was a long day, but I did take a nap this afternoon after I had some lunch. That's why it got so late before I wrote this.

I was going to write this after I ate, but I figured if I'm falling asleep at the keyboard, I'm in need of some shut-eye. Besides, I wouldn't have been able to write anything that made sense being that tired. After I got up, there wasn't much time before I had to go in to pick Rhonda up. She didn't get done until about then thirty, but depending on how busy the store is, and how fast they get done with their stuff, she could have gotten out of there anytime after ten. The fasted I have ever gotten done was seven minutes after, and that was only once. But I didn't want to be late picking her up, since there isn't anything anyplace close by where she can wait. So, I went in about nine thirty, got there just before ten, when the gates are closed, and she put her gear in the vehicle so she wouldn't have as much to carry through the yard and store when she closed up.

Then I went around to the front to wait and after about a half hour they came out. Then, we headed over to HyVee to pick up a few groceries  before we came home, since we are off for the next three days. I plan on working on the van tomorrow, and we have to get the grass mowed and some yard work done, so we didn't want to have to run back in to shop for a few days.

Now, hopefully the weather will cooperate so we can get our stuff done this week. I wanted to do it last week when I was off, but the weather did not cooperate, and now it's a week later, the grass is a week taller, and it's going to take a little longer. The last I looked, it was forecast to be pretty good for Tuesday and Wednesday. So, the plan is to work on the van tomorrow, right away. Then, if all goes well, we may get to some mowing and yard work after we finish on the van. Well, if it's dry enough to work on the yard. It's been raining most of the last week, and it really came down a few times yesterday evening and through the night.

We have standing water in the yard, and I know that's not going to dry up anytime soon, but if we get a full day of sunshine and no rain, the rest may dry enough to mow tomorrow afternoon. But, there is a chance of a shower tomorrow, so we may have to wait until Wednesday. If the van takes longer than anticipated, we will have to wait, too. but Wednesday is forecast to be dry, with some sunshine and a bit warmer again, so it should work out. Of course, by tomorrow morning, the forecast is likely to have changed again, it seems to change about every two or three hours anymore.

That was the case this past weekend. It was suppose to be nice on Saturday and rain on Sunday, but it wasn't very nice Saturday. It was cloudy with some sun, but windy and cold; real windy. Sunday, the sun came out around noon, right about when the rain was suppose to start. By late afternoon, it had cooled down, the wind had picked up, and it was raining hard and rained most of the night. Just the opposite of the morning forecast for rain in the morning and early afternoon, then clearing overnight with more rain today. It did rain a bit today, but not much. Mostly it was just cold, damp. and windy.

So, like I said, I'll see what the weather is suppose to do in the morning, and hope for the best.

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