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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/817136-Saturday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#817136 added May 17, 2014 at 10:39pm
Restrictions: None
I should be in bed, but instead I'm in here writing this entry. It's after nine, almost nine thirty my time, and I have been up since about three this morning. In fact, I have been up at three for the last two days and haven't gotten to bed until around ten. Not much sleep, but tomorrow will be better, I don't have to get up until five.

Not that it's a big deal, I've kind of gotten used to this, but I'm still trying to change it and get more sleep. It just hasn't worked out this week. My reason for stating this is mostly a warning that I have no idea where this entry is going, and it may turn to a lot of gibberish as I type. Being very tired tends to do that. Also, there will likely be a lot of mistakes and typos. the main reason is my tiredness, the second is I don't have a back space button. My button wore out and fell off. There is a little nub sticking up, but it's not very easy to hit unless I take my fingers right off the keyboard. I guess the fact that it broke off from being wore out is a sign I need to work on my typing and stop making so many mistakes.

It was a pretty nice day today, but kind of windy. The wind was cold, too, but it tapered off this afternoon and then it was real nice out. This added to the busy, crazy day at work, but it does help the day go by faster. Only, I was beat and that made it pass slow. Of course, it would have been even slower had I not been busy, and it would have been hell to try and stay awake, too.

But, with the sunshine, most everyone was in a good mood. That always makes the day go by nicer, and it makes my job more pleasant. I also was able to work with Rhonda today, and that helps a lot. Not on because it's so damn busy and one person just could not keep up, but it's always enjoyable to work with her. It's enjoyable to do most anything with her, in my opinion, but then, I may be biased.

I got done before her, so I went shoe shopping. Mine are wore out and they make me feet hurt, a lot. Especially on long days like yesterday and today. I mean, I literally put in half my work week in the last two days. It's funny, in a strange kind of a way, see today is my two year anniversary working this job and this career. When I started, I put in eighteen and twenty hours a week, one week being eighteen hours, the next being twenty hours. Now, I put in twenty two hours in over the last two days. Crazy! It's no wonder I'm beat.

Anyway, my shoes are wore out, and that makes them hard on my feet, and that is hard on my back. So I went looking for shoes, and for over an hour I put my feet into items that made them feel even worse. Then, I tried a different brand than I've ever wore, and right from the start, they made my feet feel better. I'm sure that will make a big difference in how tired I get and how sore my feet get. Of course, having some back troubles, sore feet make the back hurt and that makes everything hurt. So, tomorrow is going to be a good test to see how good the shoes are, and how much better my feet with feel.

tomorrow is a good day to try the new shoes out, too. I wore them a little today, and they did great, but that's not the same as wearing them at work. So tomorrow is the big test, but if they stat to cause problems, I could be in serious trouble. Only I work with Rhonda again tomorrow, and I only work a short shift. Six hours and I'm done. That's going to be nice. Also, we have two people on, so it won't be as hectic, and since it's Sunday, it won't, or shouldn't be as busy.

Then, I work Monday morning and again, only six hours, then I'm off for the day, and have three days more to enjoy. Of course, the three days off each week are aobut done until we get another person hired, but that's a tale for another night. Now it's time for some ice cream and bed.

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