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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/817627-Thursday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#817627 added May 22, 2014 at 5:41pm
Restrictions: None
I got in here quite a bit earlier today, but not sure how well this is going to go. Let's start out with the day, Thursday, my last day off this week. I'm having a very nice day, the sun is shining, it's in the lower 70's and the wind is mild. I slept in a little bit but not as late as the last few days. After a couple of cups of coffee, I got my day started, and now I'm in here getting my journal entry written before I start the grill and take a mineral bath.

That kind of wraps up the day so far, but it's not very descriptive. Let's add some detail and make this a bit more picturesque. I slept in to about nine this morning. Rhonda woke after she finished her shower, and we enjoyed a cup of coffee before getting set up to do a short Bible study. Se had to work today so we had to keep things kind of short so she could get ready and be off to work a little after ten. Her shift starts at ten to eleven, and it's about a thirty minute drive, but farming is going strong now, and it can take a bit longer to make the drive.

We started a Bible study online, instead of continuing our normal study. We are thinking of getting some discs from our regular pastor's son. He took over the ministry when his dad retired and like his dad, records all his Bible classes. Back to the morning, we did a short study and recorded the time so we can finish it later, when Rhonda gets home.

Then, I looked for a program online while Rhonda got ready for work. When she was ready I walked her to the van and me and the two dogs wished her a safe ad nice day. Then she drove off and we went back inside to get some work done.

I had some work to do for my job; I work as a security guard, and am the site supervisor, so I have tasks to do at home as well as on the job. We have a guard who is quitting in another week and a half, and one who is almost constantly late. I had to make out a new schedule since we will lose one person, and then I had to fill out a corrective action for the late guy. He works mornings, and since he gets in late, leaves the guardhouse unmanned until he gets there. If the store has to fill in for him, they bill our company for the time. This gets attention from the corporate office that we don't need, and my boss contacted me to find out why this bill-back had occurred, as well as some corrective actions for the person and a solution to preent any further costs.

After I finished working on the schedule, I took a break and spent some time thinking about what to put in the corrective action. I did up some dishes while I thought it out, then finished that unpleasant task. But it's not finished, I have to go over it with the guard on Saturday, then fax it all to the office.

After finishing it all up, I set about taking my netbook out on the patio and getting some fresh air for me and the dogs. I had to look around a bit to find the umbrella for the patio table but soon I had myself set up and enjoying a cup of coffee. The dogs love it outside, and Hyko, our Golden Retriever is lying under my chair, and Hannah, our Labradinger is sitting at the end of the sidewalk watching out over the front lawn.

What's a Labradinger? Well, she's a dog who spent her first two years of life in a shelter, but now has a family and a nice life. She is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Springer Spaniel. She had been taken by a few families, but anytime she was naughty, they brought her back. Of course, no one ever really worked with her, so she never had the chance to learn to behave in a home setting. She was a bit trying at first, but learns quickly, and tries harder than I thought possible for a dog. She is actually very well behaved considering her past, and with a little work she has become a very wonderful addition to our family.

Now, where was I? Oh, I was going over my day. We made it to the point were I took my netbook outside and set up on the patio with the dogs. I spent some time looking around online, at some various sites, then logged in to WDC and checked my mail. I was surprised to see my journal listed in the newsletter. This is the second time I have seen my journal listed, and find it very rewarding to know someone thinks I'm doing a good job.

I suppose I am, but I still have not managed to get enough time to read much, review anything, and especially to write anything. Now, being short on help, it may get even more difficult to get time to do much in here. But, I will stay positive and do my best to manage my time, so that I can spend some of it in here writing my journal as well as reading and reviewing. I will also keep trying to get time to write more, as well as a few other things I need to get done.

For now, however, it's about time to end this entry and get busy with the next task. I need to get the grill going, and while that gets heating up I can take my mineral bath and see if that will help my back to feel a bit better. Then, it's time to grill some chicken and make a side dish to go with it for our dinner. How does grilled chicken fajitas sound? I'm also thinking of a chili stew to go with. I'm not sure what that is yet, either. I have an idea about making a meatless chili, with added vegetables, so it's kind of a spicy stew with beans, or a chili with vegetables.

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